Meme time meme time meeeeme tiiiiiime!
What a fantastic meme idea by
moltres93 that I just had to jump the bandwagon!
Farina (my Gardevoir plush) and I love to play the Ace Attorney games! She and I have just finished watching the Phoenix Wright Musical... and as do all Ace Attorney style interactions go...Hilarity ensues!
Starring: me (
lordqua), Farina (lordqua's Gardevoir), and a special appearance by
Quick teaser pic! AA fans will like this one!
EDIT: WOW! Thanks for all the comments everybody! It really made my day! I'm glad you all liked my little photomeme :D the voting was really really close! But we have a winner... but if this is the first time you're seeing this, please don't hesitate to put a vote in anyway! I'm interested to see more results! Check out the conclusion to the story now!
How will this story end?!
edit: OH NOES! I'M LOSINGGGGG xD Check back again later for a conclusion photo after we get a few more votes!
Edit again! Thanks for voting! Please continue to vote if you haven't already, I'm still curious :D Check below for the CONCLUSION!
Current Poll: 21!!
Ema: 9
lordquatrainer_irenepaperoidnira_biralovedbyaheropeeche00nopandukeburgerusakochan Edgeworth: 12
Farina (lordqua's Gardevoir)
caterfree10jadekitty777roll_chan89mamoswinecardwhalenightmare_chan2chibi_luxiobroken_chansqualls_scarchibichimparies_syndromexxcutesnakeyxx secret ballot:
Klavier Gavin:
sorcererhuntres ...cause Klavier is indeed a pimp. He stays as long as he doesn't steal my Ema away :P
Thanks for reading this meme/photostory!
Custom Gardevoir Pokedoll Plush by