aaaaand the rest

Jun 03, 2010 13:04

When sorting through boxes I found all of my leftovers from past sales. I've decided to bunch the figures (Zukan and more) together with two great display cases, a Gameboy Color with two Pokemon games, and the Chatots the member who bought my collection already had.

Note the two clear display cases. One has one step (removable), the other has two steps (not removable). They're perfect for collection displaying!

Zukan pieces: Golbat, Spinarak, Ledian, Gengar, Cubone
Zukan sets: Ekans/Arbok, Duskull/Dusknoir (no Dusclops)
Pencil toppers: Moltres, Claydol, Defense Deoxys x2
Other: Nidoran M kid

Manaphy Movie cellphone danglers: Mantyke, Kyogre, Buizel
Other: Gengar/Haunter pencil toppers, Poliwhirl roller, Meowth Crystal Trading Figure, Metagross TOMY, Blastoise keychain, Parasect in-case figure

Games: Pokemon Yellow and Pokemon Red ("Paul" written in Sharpie on back), both work
Suction cup figures: Chikorita and Mudkip
Pencil toppers: Meganium and Swampert
Chatots: Jakks figure with marble, two kids, Pokedoll
Other: Three extra Zukan figure stands. Yellow Gameboy Color. Works well with minimal wear. No batteries.

Asking $61.58 for everything, including shipping and Paypal fees (might consider lower offer). If I had the time I'd sell things individually. I just need to get it out in one trip to the post office.

I also have a very rare (and adorable) Manaphy puppet that won't fit in the box... So I'm offering it separately for $24 or best offer, including shipping and Paypal fees.

Here are a couple close-up pictures:
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