Huge Collection Update

Jul 20, 2009 20:25

Hi all. Today I got in a huge box from snowball21, and kylie_fanatic that included months and months of Mbok/YJ items, and a few surprise as well o.o [Its hard to surprise me with Umbreon stuff in particular] Pretty much all my collections get an update here xD

Very very image heavy! Read: VERY! Also got a brand new camera! So I tried out a lot of shots here. Hope you dont mind some close ups :3

Where to begin..I really dont know! I guess I'll go with my two brand new Umbreon items that were a total surprise....

A stamp set featuring Umbreon :0



Flips to...

Its a puzzle piece!! I feel extremely lucky to have it.

Going on with flats..I got this new sticker/seal was perfect for my amada/pan stickers I had piling up.

Take a peek inside..

[the last garchomp is actually a magnet!]

And now for the smallest stickers ever xD

So cute <3

And this next item [the teaser photo from the cut] came from kylie_fanatic, and I really have to thank him for letting me have one of his beloved smoochum items, even if it was a double, I know they mean a lot to him.

the back:

And thats it for flats, now on to figures!

First up, yet again from kylie_fanatic [something that I knew I was getting, but didnt think I would get till after Worlds..]

The hasbro houndour figure o.o I never thought I would get ahold of this...I was talking with Kylie_fanatic the night I got my houndour pokedoll and mentioned I was looking for this figure and he was like oh..I have that lol.



And it is complete with both fire launchers as well. Its a really neat figure, and pretty big. I wish more Jakks figures were like these..

Garchomps are up next!

Three new figures..

Clipping, Yellow base, and clear kid

Must have close ups:

So cool ;3; I love chompy's merch <33

And speaking of clear kids...

Lopunny! I havnt had a lopunny update in some time, so I am super happy to have him. I collect only lopunny, not buneary so things are kinda scarce. Its a nice side collection :3

Stuff for Pokemon Worlds...

The cutest dice bag in exsistance o__o Pikachu is gonna get yew~ haha

Deck box and trading card binder eevee themed of course :D

And heres some of my bitchy bird Staraptor.

The new talking Jakks figure. Omg :0 This matches my birds personality in Platinum perfectly xD I love it.

Chupa figure :D

Liooon time.

Ffffffinally....I have a complete set of lion keshipoke. OH my god really. These things *shakes fist at*

Keshipoke...djgdg. well anyway. They are here. And so adorable. Big thanks again to kylie_fanatic, and snowball21 for helping me get shinx :3

Luxray Chou gett..who always seems to escape me somehow. No matter :D He's here now.

Some other figures:

Eevee mejei charm. Quite possibly the cutest eevee ever ;;

Angry pika mini cot :D

Arceus candy thingy. The candy was pretty good too!

And now..since I got a new camera I wanted to take some reshots of some of my favorites.

Miley! The Usakochan standing plush. He'll be coming to Worlds this year with me :3

The umbreon chibi stamper figure. One of my favorite umbreon figures ever. Finally did it photo justice I think.

And my special Suicune I got sooo long when I first joined the community. I had to make him tails and diamonds..but no matter he's still one of my favorite items in my entire collection..

Well thats it! I cant tell I left some things out =X But I'll save them for a later update. Hope you enjoyed. Any questions ask away n.n

jolteon, garchomp, gabite, pikachu, leafeon, lopunny, rampardos, luxray, glaceon, raichu, houndour, suicune, lucario, collection, shinx, umbreon, flareon, staraptor, gible, luxio, eevee

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