Last Hurrah!

Jul 13, 2009 20:48

Well uh, I keep hesitating to post my collection because I go OMG IT'S SO SMALL, EVERYONE WILL LAUGH ;__;
But I am getting ready to pack them all up as I get ready to move to NY (it's not for about a month, so if someone is shipping me something Ohio is still okay - but I'm probably going to start asking people to ship stuff to my new NY address at my mom's XD)thus I figured I should take a picture of them as they are now.. and they will be temporarily homeless for awhile until I can buy a shelf for them as the shelves they're on now are attached to the wall on my apartment haha


Sooo! Up on the top shelf we have my main collections <33 Aggron line .. tho I only have Aggron so far, Garchomp line (haha, poor Gible stamper got flash'd out) and then of course FROSLASS NOM <3

On the bottom is my randomly-acquired-things, haha. We have my three pokedolls (Amadeus the Ho-oh, Ezalia the Lapras, and Gear the Giratina - who yesss, does INDEED have her own custom collar.) then there's some random kids aaand random zukans and of course random cubone that used to walk, but doesn't anymore XD

And here we have my fursuit head, sporting the Garchomp hat I made ;P And little random okapi figure that chills with my okapi head.

On the bottom of the shelves I have all the lovely art that people have included, and a box from the Gabite attack kid too XD But uh I didn't take a picture haha. Oh also I guess I have a poster from BK from the Pokemon promotion they just had, but I didn't take a pic of that either.

flaaffy, cubone, giratina, snorunt, garchomp, gabite, lapras, glalie, drifloon, ho-oh, chatot, collection, aggron, froslass, girafarig, absol, gible

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