Mail Days from 6/30-7/9

Jul 11, 2022 04:26

So stuff I had on claim from Discord servers arrived so I guess I will have another mail day post which was unexpected lol. But the next one for sure won't be for a while. I have stuff coming in but idk when exactly they will come in. So anyways let's begin!

Warning: Image Heavy.

6/30: So starting off today this little guy came unexpectedly the next day after my post I didn't think it would arrive till next week, but it came so lol I've been wanting a TOMY talking Spiky Eared Pichu and now I have one, sadly he doesn't have the voice box, but oh well. So I'm now looking for a BAB Pichu Voice Box as a replacement for the fella.

7/5: So next up is the Takara TOMY Munyumaru Cyndaquil Beanie Plush! I absolute adore this little guy he's adorable and quite heavy too weighing at 2.6 ounces!

7/8: Pokemon Crystal Magazine Page Advertisement.

7/8: I've been wanting one of these for a while now and I finally got it at a good price on eBay. If I do find another one I'll probably open that one up and put it on my DSi well if I get the Volume up button repaired then I will lol.

7/8: So the good friend who helped me get my grail the 10th Anniversary Cyndaquil doll had a Neokyo order up and let me grab small items of my choice and the best part FREE INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING! I picked out the Cyndaquil Piggy Bank and the 2 Raikou Banpresto Keychains. My friend picked out a the Raikou Strap to give me for free and also included the Pokemon Center Kyoto Keychain of the Johto Starters. They also made me an Embroidered Cyndaquil Fabric! I was very happy with the extras they gave me and appreciate it lots. For those who want to see better pics of the items here's the imgur link.

7/9: A friend was giving this poor Skitty away and I couldn't just leave her looking like that, so my mom and I will be making her look awesome by giving a Eye Patch and a Bandanna. She'll be the coolest Skitty around.

7/9: A TOMY SQUEAKY BOI! I didn't know he'd squeak when I claimed him from a friend's Japan Lot, but mannn he did not disappoint with that Squeak.

7/9: Banpresto Mogumogu Time Cyndaquil Plush.

7/9: Finally got this good TOMY Fuzzy Cyndaquil Plush with it's tag and for a good price of $10. I just love getting Cyndaquil plush I already have, but tagged for a very good deal <3

Anyways that is all for this Mail day post. I hope you all enjoyed seeing my latest gets for the collection just as I was opening up the packages and seeing these wonderful items. Also as a bonus I got a new shelf finally and was able to put some of my Cyndaquil Plush up on there. Here's a link to see it if ur interested so I don't add more pics to this post. Imgur Link.

Hope you all enjoyed cya next time!

chikorita, entei, raikou, suicune, skitty, cyndaquil, pikachu, totodile, pichu

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