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knienke June 23 2022, 20:08:49 UTC
I think I might be of some help!

I have an Excel with a lot of information about the distribution of all the gen 1 figures. If you PM me your e-mail I'll sent it to you.

The very first figures were released in Japan in 1996 and the series was called Monster Ball Collection. Here is an example https://pokevault.com/image/cache/catalog/data/product-image/Figures2/PokemonTomyMonsterCollectionFigure06PikachuFront-500x500.jpg
It is slighty different from the next set Monster Collection Original Series. https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/t28AAOSwsPlhV1kl/s-l500.jpg The biggest difference is that the second ones don't have a pog/disc.
Also, I think the first set only contained single figures while the second series also had packages containing 2 figures. The first set only released a handfull of Pokémon, if I had to guess I'd say around 20 or so. The second set contained much more of the first gen (and some second gen) figures but not all. Very similar packaging was used for distribution elsewhere (I think China) by Auldey. https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91AmBs7MoVL._SY550_.jpg Only difference is the Auldey logo in the top left.
The figures can be slight different from one another. https://imgur.com/IoooHUX This is not the best picture but you can see the colors are slighty different and one tail is straight were the other goes to the side. Also, the inscription on the figures is different. https://knienke.weebly.com/figures.html You can see the examples of that here on my personal site with a lot more pictures and info.
To complete almost all of the missing ones from gen 1 there sets released marked with a letter. This is set D for example https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/OHAAAOSwXBBh5Xhg/s-l500.jpg
The only ones I'm pretty sure weren't released like this were Oddish and Magikarp.

After this came the black packages for gen 1 and yellow ones for gen 2. But I only know the details for gen 1. The first version was released around 2000 https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/bn8AAOSwao9g1zbk/s-l400.jpg The second version was released around 2004 https://pokevault.com/image/cache/catalog/data/product-image/Figures11/PokemonTomyArcanineBlackFigure0592004-500x500.jpg The difference can be found in the 'white stroke' with Tomy on the top in the second version. These were all only released in Japan.
Very similar packaging was used in the Pokemon Centers in the U.S.A. https://imgur.com/O7O2gQI It says Pokémon Figure Collection.
All 151 Pokémon were released like this.

Now some more U.S.A./Europe info. Hasbro was the one who distributed the figures in these continents. I got a lot of my information from here: https://www.pojo.com/toys/battlefigures.html
Hasbro released different kinds of sets:
Battle Figures
Poké Ball Blaster
Pokémon Trainers
And I'm not 100% sure on this, but all gen 1 figures were released by Hasbro except:
Nidoqueen, Nidoran (male), Nidorino, Golbat, Voltorb, Electrode, Jynx, Magmar, DItto and Omanyte.

After that was the 'MC' series. Some gen 1 Pokémon got a different pose and others the same pose but a (slighty) different color.

If you hava any questions or if you would like more pictures just let me know! I love talking about this stuff XD


goupix_5 June 24 2022, 18:21:26 UTC
Omg, this is EXACTLY the type of infos I was looking for, Thank you soooo much !
I am definitely interested by your excel, I will PM you ASAP, this is very kind of you to share your work ^_^
You also have a very nice collection, congratulations in finding them all !


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