Hey everyone, been a a little while since I've posted here but I am still around and still adding to my Dragonite family! I am currently trying to find the Taiwan Dragonite Mirage plush! So if anyone is looking to sell theirs or has any leads on where to find him, it would be very much appreciated, he is my #1 grail and I would love to have him!
I also added a few updated photos of my collection under the cut! It's much larger than it was last time I posted, and much more Dragonite focused, and I love it!
Not too many photos to go by of him, but this was one of the clearer ones I found!
Here is a more recent (taken late last year) photo of my Dragonite and smaller Lapras collection!
A few more Lapras hiding away
I have quite a few more Dragonite items than what is shown here, since some time has passed since these photos were taken. Still hoping to make an actual collection website at some point, too!