Tomy Figure Test Shots/Prototypes!

Feb 16, 2021 13:00

I wanted to start showing off some of the interesting items I have picked up here! These are Tomy figure prototype/testshots of Mega Blaziken and Mega Charizard X!

I have 1 Charizard and 2 Blazikens! All three figures were picked up off of Taobao. I tried taking pics of their copywrite info, but it was quite difficult so I'll just type it out here

2014 T-ARTS

I'm really happy to have these in my collection! I love seeing figures in their pure mold color before any of the details are added on. All 3 figures have the same copywrite info. I hope to find more tomy figures like these because I think they have really great sculpts!

I also wanted to thank everyone for their warm welcome on my Introduction post, I really appriciate it!!!

blaziken, charizard, tomy, collection, figures

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