Kids Figure Collection !

Sep 15, 2020 22:38

Hi Everyone !
As a Bandai kid figure collector, I've seen my collection growing year after year, and I'm happy to notice that most of my collection comes from sellers in the community (I thank them all again!). Now I have a DECENT collection, I want to show you what it looks like !




I didn't realize when I took the pics that sentret is not a Bandai figure but a Pokémon center one XD


Some intruders in this one, good luck finding them !


The first four generation are nearly complete, there is just a few I still need to find. Those figures were pretty easy to gather, as they are common and as I dont want them like new. I'm not bothered by some stains or scratches, as long as the figure is still in a correct state !






The last 2 generations are pretty empty (or totally empty!), because I'm used to low prices with the first 5 generations, that are easy to find. The newer ones seems rarer, and so I can't find them at prices i'm used to... And I end up not buying them =( Moreover, I do prefer buying them in big lots, to have better prices and reduce shipping costs, but it's hard to find a great variety of those new figures at the same seller. On top of that, it's been a while since I last look for bandai kids figure.

But I don't despair XD And I'm open to any proposition if you have some figures I miss !
I want to thank again all the members that helps me fill out the collection, you can admire your figures in their new place now !

And last but not least :

The Pokemon center Figures.
They are so similar with the Bandai ones that I instantly got the same affection for them. Unfortunately, it seems to be a discontinued serie, as it's been a while I have no news about it =(

That's all for my collection review! Hope this post has brighten your day, Thanks for reading !

bandai, pokemon center

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