a much needed 5 year collection update with latte & 'tales galore [full collection update]

Feb 27, 2020 23:06

Hellooooo pkmncollectors~! I'm here with a full collection update for the first time in...years! I finally got off my butt, cleaned a lot and tried my best to take some visible photos! x3

Welp hello to anyone that does not know me and raaar to anyone that still does! I'm known as Latté / Soital / xxLatiosxx / Moo and anything else you want!  My main collections consist of Latios & Latias, Lugia, Weavile and Ninetales I do love each of these Pokemon so very dearly and I aim to collect everything and anything of them!  (I know it's a super big dream!)

I also have many side collections; Leafeon, Jolteon, Haunter, Houndoom, Mismagius, Zangoose, Salamence, Absol, Lopunny, Skarmory, Glameow, Miltank, Giratina, Froslass, Shiny Vulpix, Zorua, Fennekin line, Litten/Torracat and recently new Nickit line! I may have others but they're not something I pursue...there just so many nice Pokemon! I also collect Impmon, Renamon & Kyubimon for the digimon lovers out there!

But enough about that! Let's get to the GOODS! Heres a sneaky peaaaaaak~!

Whats in store when you mix Latias, Latios, Lugia, Weavile and Ninetales? Maybe more...!

Soooo let's start with the overall view of my room....!

This is the "main" hub of the room with 3 of 4 of my main collections visible all together Latias & Latios have DOMINATED my corner and are overflowing like crazzzy! I certainly do need a room soley for my collections but this is close enough. I even have to hide some items under the bookcase... but alas! I love them it's my little organised mess! Lugia in general probably needs the shelf that the Fennekins are on and only recently did I give him the extras lower shelf he has so many plush it's quite hard to put them together! I originally wanted some to "glide" and "fly" above the ceiling but it didn't work out too good, they're all heavy and fat! Weavile originally had the WHOLE shelf for him but I somehow cleaned it and gave the bottom shelf to my side collections....which is for the best! I also have my Zorua plush tucked away on the sides, Zorua used to be where the Lotto Latis and the clock are but Latis were like "this is my space now!"

My bed, yes how the heck do I sleep?! After realising I couldn't display one of my collections (Absol!) I put his plush on the bed frame and now it looks too plushed up but it's fine! Big Zorua prefers the comfort of the bed rather than the box he used to be on! All the plush at the end of the bed are mostly my childhood/one off purchases of Pokemon I don't exactly collect but like or presents y'know! They're all sitting on two see-through boxes and I somehow made it work? X3 My Leafeon and Jolteon collections haven't changed a bit from a few years back on those shelves asides from some newer plush on the bed frame....I had to go on a huge hiatus with them (sadly when those giants were made....) so I've been much behind with them for some time now! I'll get there eventually!  I do want all the plush & figures of my side collections, I'd prefer to get everything but I'm not rich!! This is a collection from over a decade!

Looking a bit towards the right here is...my door Giratina supporter forever x3! Here sit my Impmon & Renamon/Kyubimon main collections I really adore those two even if they're exceptionally hard to find merch for these days! Ninetales also has a new home, I wasn't sure about putting her at the bottom at first but it seems to fit so far and a couple of my side collections reside in the shelf as well! You can hardly see Mismagius from this angle but we'll have more visible pics of them soon! Yeah....I've used my old computer shell as a shelf for now because I didn't have the heart to throw it away xD!

Most emptiest part of the room? Well a small story here I originally had three wall shelves...until one collapsed and broke a few things...never felt right putting them up again, cheap yucky shelves! I also had various art on the wall that has temporary been replaced with me attempting anything to try and be creative again and writing my own stories through mapping.. (terrible one sure!) on my wall XD A large Absol poster used to be above Renamon & Impmon too but because it kept falling off (with various attempts) I decided to hide it for now before I rip it up (It's realllly annoying!) XD Anyhoo Meowstics I've not moved, I don't collect them anymore but I do like what I have, they just kinda suit up there! Litten I have had to stop collecting much of because well..starters! I have other priorities at the moment but I will get one or two things along the way like most sides collections. The Absol banner there used to be where my Absols were but they just didn't look right? Fortunately I got Haunters 151 box and it seems to be working as well as I can!

So now that we've done the overalls lets look at the specifics.....

Latias & Latios

Lati shelf and the various items surrounding them lets have a deeper look at everything we can!

Up high above we have the beautiful TOMY Giant Latias & Latios plush surrounded by some of their other plush friends. I'm quite happy with how this turned out I knew I couldn't put them all up here without it looking too clunky! I am so in awe still after these years of having them...I still truly can't believe it I am amazed it makes me so happy!

Just underneath them are TCG, books and cups of the likes, I think my favourites here are still the chibi banpresto prize keychains I've always loved their pudgy-ness and I'd love to see more cute merch like it!

Where most of the figures hang around! I decided to put the DX TOMY boxes here and act like mini shelves, this is probably the biggest shelf around so maybe plush would have been good to put here? For some reason I like the cover of figures inside! You can see more close ups of the figures on my website I'll link at the bottom of the page! I still don't have all the figures but I aiming to get as close as possible!

Ahh another prize shelf....I love the electronic Latios one of my favourite figures of the bunch, such a sad time Latias didn't ever get one! Love the movie colouring book, the playsets gah everything Lati is just so beautiful to me...especially movie and pokepark merch...!

Speaking of Pokepark merch...some have resided here! Will always love the cup and drawstring pouch I remember back when I want them so dang much! I also have various pencils and pens in the pokemon with you mug so I know where to put them should I ever get more...Latis have quite a lot of them! Ah...the statue...I love the statue....it's beautiful ...I have the box tucked up away safe but why on earth did they stop with these?! Too amazing...

Misc galore along with two super DX figures, will always love them! I really love the spring time promo as well the mug is one of my favs....and...ahhh the water mug in the middle!!!! I was so excited to get it and it wasn't in a stupid lot of 100 items either!!! Welcome to the family...although it's been here a while now! X3

My precious lottery Latias & Latios banpresto plush, how I love them so much they're very much on par to being my favourite Lati plush in general....such mystery around these but we definitely know they're 2002 Lottery Banpresto Latias and Latios plush! Latios wears my necklace that broke a few years ago sadly!  Slightly tempted to put the lotto pillow with them as well since they're from the same era!

Last but certainly not least...a made up shelf that is basically a box...with a blanket over it...the box my lotto latis came with! I am so so in love with the lotto pillow it was such a huge want of mine for many years!! I adore the popcorn bucket as well and managed to catch up with the graphix promotion when I was on a hiatus! Ah...whats that under the Giant Latias? MASCOOOOOOOOOTS!!!! Maybe you saw some hidden in the very first up-close picture with the two giants? Go and check if not ;D so I've been after these for over 10 freakin YEARS and a bunch pop up in one go?! MIP too?!

So lets just go off on a small tangent here...

This is how I found one of my sets. I was just going through stuff I usually do, lots and and all the jazz when I noticed something....I noticed the blue one and my heart skipped a beat....I didn't even see Latias at first!!! I was in awe I was going "is this the mascot???? is it not??? NOTHING ELSE LOOKS LIKE THIS RIGHT???" and then I saw Latias...and she was more obvious....so...YEP I BIDDED LIKE NO OTHER and I got this lot for a decent price too (shipping wasn't though) ! When they came to me however they were very loved and dusty...looked like someone kept them up in the attic with no protection or anything here;

The poor dears!!! I was still in two minds if they were even the mascots or not in the lot before they came to me as they weren't super obvious but they were at the same time!? I was nervous they'd be something of similar look or such! I aim to try and clean them and make them look at least a bit better I think its just the amount of dust they've aquired over the years! Then the other ones MIP...this happened within the same timeframe of the other can you believe?! Two pairs pop up at the same time and I've been searching for these babies for over ten years!!!!! Now I'm in two minds myself of keeping the dusty ones since I have MIP that I won't ever open for preservation purposes and then two super loved ones I can pose them with...very hard decisions.... XD! WELP Plush collection complete so far! (as far as....I know... maybe) I am very proud to have a 100% complete after all these years, definitely sacrificed some things along the way for this!! x3

OK Latis you've had enough love from this post time for......


He honestly needs the whole shelf, I have so much of Lugia's stuff hidden as well and more will come eventually...! Lets take a better look!

PLUSH PILE!!!! Theres actually an extra keychain mascot plush on Giant Lugia that is going to my other dedicated Lugia plush collector friend some time in the future...soon x3! (teehee she doesn't know its a gift yet!...or maybe she does!!) I'm looking to clean the big boy anyway some time soon his head for sure! x3 Didn't exactly like putting the bigger lower right Lugia between the gap but theres only so much I can do here otherwise I kinda like how I put it! He does have a lot of plush though...but I'm only needing ONE more to fully complete his plush collection and we've never see real pics of it! (lotto 2006 one!) It is my number 1 grail x3!

Made this area the major figure-y part! I've obtained most of his TOMYs so far I think I only need one more! Two different versions of play by play are here too as well as a few others...the Shampoo bottle will always be a favourite of mine though I just love it so much...and METAL FIGURES FINALLY COMPLETE! Wow that silver metal was annoying to find....I found them every now and then but they were always insatntly sold at good prices! Funnily enough when one popped for auction I found another that was in a small lot for cheaper...so I just gambled on winning the lot in hopes of gettting it for the prices I usually see it go for and yay I won for starting bid!  I adoooore the squishy Lugia's too I want MOAR! x3

Lugia why are you such a pain to place things together?! I tried my best! The new Lugia VS Ho-oh figure is gorgeous and I could only see it going well with the old 05 promo of the TCG ! I have 4/5 of the Lugia retsuden stamps so slowly and surely....I'm getting there, curse you stamps!! I love the ddjaki and how I got a very fitting silver colour for him, would be quite awesome to get a gold! ^^

This....is the shelf I'm always having second thought on...not sure if I like it but its the best I have so far. I'm likely going to tear it all down and start again, especially when certain items get here I want it to be a bit more....well more? Favourite pieces here are the DX TOMY, pencilcase and BK game! I have a soft spot for the custom on the far front right my friend from my college days made me as a birthday gift...I've never gotten anything like that from a friend and he holds a very special place in my heart x3

Move aside now Lugia and lets make way for our impy collection.....no not Impmon but...


Will always have a main spot in my heart, Weavile originally had the whole shelf but then his extra stuff moved to the side and hid in tins! Lets look more...

Weavile plush collection....100% complete! I yearn for a new plush and I just hope the fit plush line continues so he can get a consistent plush with some of my others! It'd be so nice to see some new merch come out with him. He has a lot already but I definitely wouldn't say no to a new one! There is a sneaky custom here which is my favourite of all time...can you guess which?

The figure, clothes and some misc stuff here! This used to look a tad different at the front a few days ago but alas I want to change it!  Over the last year I'm proud to aquire one of the five (?) eraser figures, the yellow one! I definitely want the others to complete the set as I am mad about these types of figures, even if he doesn't stand well hehe! I also loooove the PC bag I found randomly I didn't even know it existed but thats the beauty of collecting to me...finding things of your mains you never knew about! Its a rollercoaster of FUN!

The more misc stuff with others here! Weavile was placed on a buttload of promotional items thanks to the 8th movie and him being one of the first gen 4 mons to be revealed! I looove the cyrus/weavile merch that came out but alas I was on hiatus then and...well I managed to get the keychain strap but I do aim to get the badge hopefully some time! I love the drawstrings bag and that puzzle and pan wrapper and christmas postcard...all very dear poses of Weavile x3!!!

So that leaves my last and certainly not least main collection....


Gosh I love Kanto Ninetales very much and when Alolan Ninetales came out I loved her too so of coruse I'm collecting them both! Kanto tales still holds the flame though as my favourite and although some of her merch is stupidly hard to find over the course of time (I'm looking at you specific colours of mini models and metals!!) I still love her too! I officially have all her current 5 plush that I knew of...the suprise one was a KOREAN Ninetales official plush?! She's is SO fluffy and was made during 2017!!! The year I was on hiatus omfg....somehow I found her...I'm grateful...she's the largest one so far and I'm very happy to add her to my beloved collection! TISSUE PACK TISSUE PACK WOOOOOOOHOOO a very kinda member here linked me to a BIN of tissue packs and I couldn't be happier!! I want her box too I've only seen one for sale but sadly missed it!! The papercrafts....now that I know where they're from I was able to find a MIP one thats still in its book and I got another to open...but then a huge lots of gen 1 papercrafts went on sale and I bidded for Haunter & Jolteon (as they were harder books to find) and won them....with another Ninetales! SO why not? XD

Okay I admit the shelf looks a little bare here compared! I haven't that many flats of just alolan Ninetales but I'm thinking I might put the excess Ninetales flats I have around it anyway! She got a nice handful of merchandise and can only hope going forward she gets things now and then! FOOOD ITEMS I was able to get by a kinda member on discord (a certain bear collector ;3) which I will forever be thankful for! I looove food items and I want more of hers! I know she;s got quite a few...food packets and a karaoke badge that always eludes me, she seems to have some amazing korean items too which I will always be on the lookout for more colours x3!

So...I guess they're my main collections! I've had the unfortunate news to say I cannot show you my Absol collection here...although it is quite similar to the past one as I've not been buying much of his or many of my sides unless they;re items I really want due to money! I'm only on a part time job at the moment so I've set myself some rules but of course...rules are to be broken...or bent sometimes... !

Some sides here and whats on that Ninetales whole shelf...!

Excuse the mess! Lets take a closer look at some of my side collections!

My two smaller collections...especially Lopunny but boy do I love them! The last thing I got for Lopunny was the standee, I was on a major hunt for this as I didn't know anyone with it and it was a bit of a puzzle to try and find her but find her I did! she looks awesome with the rest of the buns, my major want for Lopunny is the Retsuden stamp! As for Mismagius the last thing I got was her other keshipoke, the original one! I was so happy to find it because they are so annoying to look for (still searching for the houndoom, froslass and a lugia!) I'd say the main thing I'd want for Mismagius is her other Retsuden stamp to complete...these stamps really do elude me...been near a ten year search for these as well!! XD

Frowny dragon butt, steel bird and mongoose collections galore! I don't really recall getting anything super new for Skarmory sadly although she is a very slow colleciton anyway! Same for Zangoose but I do love them very much! Oh wait what am I thinking?! SKARMORY GOT AS PLUSH?!!? WOO! Gosh I was so so happy for the 2nd gen to get the fit plush they finally gave a plush to my beautiful steel bird...! I also found the last plush of Salamence, the pokedoll! I caved and he was worth it I now own all the plush for Salamence so far, very very happy Latte! x3

Next to my computer are my Haunters and Miltanks! Haunter got a large plush....large plush equates to taking too much space on the shelves you dang ghost but I love ya! The box is quite looong so it worked fine as a a "shelf" above a shelf? XD Newest thing here is the papercraft and box! I collect him slowly but happy with what I have so far! As for the cows...FIT PLUSH REJOICE! Another plush for the almighty cow!

Collection(S) I've never been able to show! Giratina and a small small Froslass on the side! I've actively seeked out certain Gira plushes that I want but as for the figures...they just appeared! I got these from lots I already bought for latis, lugia etc and over the years I amounted a few lovely figures because of it! I shouldn;t be collecting ANOTHER legendary but...ack I can't help it can I? I just loved Giratina...I'll get things as I can! Something is coming of his...something a little big....he'll probably take the whole shelf up... sorry Glameow and Houndoom! Houndoom got a fit plush and it's really nice, one of my favs from gen 2 of fit plush! Glameows....PAPERCRAFT YAAAAAAY she came in the same book as Lopunny! Win-win! I finished off her plush, I now have them all so far (another please its been a long time!!)

As for the others...they're kinda at a standstill ish...they've not aquired anything major over the last few years but I still very much love them! Click them for a bigger image if ya want!
I'm sorry to Absol, Leafeon and Jolteon whom I did not have photos of....but the two eeveelus didnt get much extra and Absol as welll....! ;w;

However with Fennekin...there are a few things on their way eventually...!

I just recently got these babies to add to the collection from tamago226 and a Ninetales coin from eBay! Thank you so very much again I love them all! ;

OK I'll shush now...I speak too much! This has been a collection for over ten years and I'm so proud with how far its gone and suprised I could get so much! For many years I was on low wages and I never thought I'd be able to aquire such beautiful items like this but it just goes to show if you save even a little every now and then you can get there in the end! I hope to collect for many more moons to come!

I also need to get around to selling stuff to fund all this crud! I'm slow at it but I will try my semi best! X3

Thank you for looking at the pics or reading...! I love to share and I love looking at everyone else scollections so please share yours some time no matter how big, small or odd it is! x3!

My website if you could like to see more (Still under TLC)

I guess theres no harm to post my grails and  top 10 wants!


+ Lotto Lugia 2006 Bandai Plush
+ Hitachi Pokemon Heroes Latias & Latios Banner
+ My 151 Ninetales Shipping Box
+ Promotional 2000 Lugia Blow Up


+ PC Latias & Latios Bag
+ Latios & Latias Standees
+ Pokepark 2005 Latias & Latios Pen
+ Pokedoll Latias & Latios Booklet
+ Weavile Coin Purse
+ ALL Weavile Colour Erasers (Except Yellow)
+ Weavile Cartridge
+ Fake TOMY Clear Ninetales figure
+ Ninetales settei/cels.

Find more wanted items here: https://soital.weebly.com/wants.html and https://xxlatiosxx.livejournal.com/4134.html
Side collections here;  https://xxlatiosxx.livejournal.com/12756.html

It took me some time to do all this...and clean everything phew! I need a drink! Thank you again, have fun collecting collectors! x3

weavile, wants, giratina, haunter, salamence, latios, jolteon, meowstic, fennekin, glameow, skarmory, braixen, leafeon, lopunny, zorua, lugia, ninetales, miltank, zangoose, collection, froslass, mismagius, plush, latias, litten, delphox, houndoom, absol

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