Hi everyone!
I'm Teppi and I'm a new member of the Pkmncollectors community. I've known about the community for a while but I only decided to register recently.
Some facts about myself:
- My favorite Pokemon is Groudon
- First Pokemon game was Pokemon Ruby
- Favorite Pokemon game is Pokemon Diamond. I spent the most time playing with this version
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There's this listing, https://market.m.taobao.com/app/idleFish-F2e/widle-taobao-rax/page-detail?id=611333669947&no_silent_callapp=1&spm=widle.tbdetail.recommends.0&wx_navbar_transparent=true&wh_weex=true&lxTrackParam=%7B%22itemPvid%22%3A%22bde6cdb9-3fed-438d-8c37-3cdda48ed171%22%7D But I don't know whether it's been sold already. I do know though that the Chinese New year is today, and that all chinese trade/business is suspended for 2 weeks.. Nothing gets shipped, no-one will sell stuff. So.. we'll both have to wait I guess. Oh, and the related listing of a Groudon is the one I've attempted to buy, but will have to wait for to see whether or not the purchase was successful.
These resin zukans are expensive, even on Taobao, just not as expensive as on ebay :p The Primal Kyogre for example, on Taobao I paid about 130 usd I think. On ebay it was listed for 250.
The Dialga link you provided is a looking for post. The guy who posted that is looking for a Dialga, not selling it. While DS and King are the ones more popular among the foreign collectors, there are other studios that are better than them. In China they have these exclusive zukan groups that are all about custom zukans. There’s no way to browse it though if you can’t read Chinese. Some studios like King also have this VIP group where he offers private listing zukans. Kinda like you won’t see UltraNecrozma, Guzzlord and Celesteela on King’s official taobao store. They were/are privately sold zukans. I also have bought Dialga and Palkia before and I know a few guys who have them in China. Sometimes you just have to talk to them privately and hope they’ll sell them to you.
For the Dialga figure, Bhiner couldn't find the link that you sent me so I used 42Agent instead. Their website can find the listing directly from your link. They also won't process the order until after the Chinese New Year. It's the only Dialga Resin Zukan listing I saw on Taobao so I really hope it was listed for sale and not a looking for post.
With the Arceus set I was lucky to be actively collecting when the set came out, I simply ordered the whole 17 piece set when I saw it online. I was only a kid at the time, so I was happy to have saved up enough to be able to buy it. I think it costed around a 100 dollars in total or something back then.
About the Dialga, the guy above me, Chris said that the Dialga was apparently only someone looking for a Dialga :/
I read both of your posts from Oct 2018 and 2019. The habitat one is from 2018. I plan to get a display unit like you next year once I move to the new place. My current one is a bit hard to see since it is black.
I saw the comment from Chris but I still tried to order anyway since I'm desperate to get that figure lol. The Palkia standing by itself just doesn't feel right for me :/ If it's not available for sale then they should just cancel my order. It's also sad that they didn't make any Shiny Kyogre to pair with the Shiny Groudon.
I'll just keep checking eBay, Taobao, and Yahoo Auction to see if Dialga ever shows up on one of those sites. It's weird that I've never seen any of these fan-made Zukan figures on Yahoo Auction.
I hope you'll find your Dialga, and yeah, not sure why they didn't make the Kyogre shiny.
Checking everything is all you can do really. I've seen only around 10 on YAJ in total in the past couple years.
Hi, I don't know if you still follow this comment section but has the Primal Groudon Zukan figure ever been made by any of these studios? I only saw 1 Primal Groudon statue on Taobao but I'm not sure if it was 1/40 scale or not. I also haven't seen any fan-made Zukan figure for the Regis and Lake trio.
I've seen a 1/40 for Regigigas, but not the other regis nor the lake trio; I'm guessing they'll make it eventually.
So that means I still have the chance to preorder Primal Groudon :D Bhiner just let me know today that the Dialga figure is not available. They also don't accept Paypal as the payment method for 2nd hand products so I'm just gonna look around for some 1/40 figures until other agents are back.
Please let me know if you see another Dialga figure on Taobao :D Thanks!
You can use paypal to topup money onto your bhiner account, and then pay with that.
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