rattata sitting cutie/fit plush question

Jun 15, 2019 18:52

So, I have the official Rattata Fit plush that came out a while ago. Bought it directly from Japan, so it's legit.

I am not a fan of its ":|" face though, which is why I bought only one rather than an army like I wanted to. All the ones I've ever seen for sale always look like this, until...

Today I found a listing on ebay for one that has a very cute smile... see picture!!

see comparison with mine, which again, is a genuine one from Japan.

Now, the issue is that the seller is from Hong Kong, and has multiples. So, it's most likely a factory reject, or bootleg. And if I buy one, there's a high chance it won't be the one in the photo. It might end up being even uglier than mine! T_T

So now I am wondering if anyone that has this plush, official or otherwise, actually has a smiling one. As I've said I've only ever seen serious poker face looking ones in both stock pics and collections, but maybe I've just been very unlucky.

If there's really a smiling versoin out there, I'm on the hunt for it!

wanted, rattata

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