Pokemon Zukan / Zuken Collection Update (P6)

May 04, 2019 19:23

Heya'll, what's up?
Another quarter year has passed, so it's time for another update!

There's a few new zuken, but this time around, most of the new gets are good old real zukan.

RSE SP 04: Mew (day), RSE SP 04: Mew (night), GSC 02: Mew

RSE 08: Lileep/Cradily/Root Fossil, RSE 09: Anorith/Armaldo/Claw Fossil, DP 01: Lucario's base, DP 08: Shieldon/Bastidon, DP 11: Cranidos/Rampardos/Skull Fossil, CUSTOM: Shield Fossils

Warning: this post is image heavy, keep that in mind when opening the cut.

Ah s***, here we go again.

Welcome to the magical lands of the cut.

As per usual, I'll list all the new gets first. BOLD means the item is 'grail-like', rather I'd give it a 10/10 score.

RSE 01: Wurmple/Silcoon/Beautifly/Cascoon/Duxtox
RSE 02: Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken, Skitty/Delcatty/Zigzagoon/Linoone, Seedot/Nuzleaf/Shiftry, Slugma/Magcargo
RSE 04: Cacnea/Cacturne
RSE 07: Carvanha/Sharpedo
RSE 08: Lileep/Cradily/Root Fossil
RSE 09: Anorith/Armaldo/Claw Fossil
RSE SP 04: Mew (day)
DP 04: Piplup/Prinplup/Empoleon
DP 07: Snorunt/Glalie/Froslass
XY 02: Chespin/Quilladin/Chestnaught, Fennekin/Braixen/Delphox, Froakie/Frogadier/Greninja, Panchamp/Pangoro

King Studio 13: Deoxys Normal Tentacle/Deoxys Attack/ Deoxys Defense/Deoxys Speed
King Studio 14: Fletchling/Fletchlinder/Talonflame
????: Frillish (male)/Jelicent (male)
????: Rowlet/Rowlet/Dartrix/Decidueye

Off we go then.

RSE 01: Wurmple/Silcoon/Beautifly/Cascoon/Duxtox

RSE 01: Wurmple/Silcoon/Beautifly/Cascoon/Duxtox

The Hoenn bug. It's very colourful, more so than Butterfree, which I like. It's a bit sad to see it doesn't have a fancy tree diorama, but with this many figures already, that might have gotten cramped. The brown base actually goes quite well with the figures I think.

RSE 01: Wurmple/Silcoon/Beautifly/Cascoon/Duxtox

RSE 02: Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken

RSE 02: Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken

The chickens. I don't like Blaziken much to be honest, but Torchic is so adorable, and Combusken so awkward. Gotta love em. They're also birds, which I collect, so they had to come sooner or later.

RSE 02: Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken

RSE 02: Skitty/Delcatty/Zigzagoon/Linoone

RSE 02: Skitty/Delcatty/Zigzagoon/Linoone

Cats and racoons! When I played Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explores of Time, I was assigned a Skitty, and as anyone who's played that game will understand, it made me like Skitty. Zigzagoon is pretty cool, I heard he evolves into Aang. I should point out that these bases are the small ones, like the Unown.

RSE 02: Skitty/Delcatty/Zigzagoon/Linoone

RSE 02: Seedot/Nuzleaf/Shiftry

RSE 02: Seedot/Nuzleaf/Shiftry

The Tengu Pokémon, crafty little buggers they are. Just kidding, they're cool. The gloss of this whole RSE 02 set is a bit offsetting, compared to the matte finish all other zukan have, and originally I expected to hate it (when I first saw it on pictures). Actually owning the majority of them now though, I like them; though I still prefer the matte finish.

RSE 02: Seedot/Nuzleaf/Shiftry

RSE 02: Slugma/Magcargo

RSE 02: Slugma/Magcargo

A slug and a snail! Which is slower? :o The slug. The slug is slower, with only 20 speed, vs Magcargo's 30, Slugma is slower. I love the fire that comes out of Magcargo's shell. The glossiness might actually work well here, I can imagine them having some glossiness in 'reality'. I had one in my team in Emerald.

RSE 02: Slugma/Magcargo

RSE 04: Cacnea/Cacturne

RSE 04: Cacnea/Cacturne

Yummy, cacti, a source of water in the desert (don't hug em though (also don't drink em)). This is actually only half a zukan. The other half is Sandshrew and Sandlash.. which I got last time :o By miracle I thought the other half for sale too, this.

RSE 04: Cacnea/Cacturne/Sandshrew/Sandslash

Reunited at last. Cacnea's mouth kind of reminds me of the Hoodlums from Rayman 3.. Cacturne itself would actually fit right in there, too.. Though Cacturne is still more strongly associated to that douche from the anime, the one that loved/hated May.

RSE 04: Cacnea/Cacturne/Sandshrew/Sandslash

RSE 07: Carvanha/Sharpedo

RSE 07: Carvanha/Sharpedo

A pirana that evolves into a shark.. er.. half a shark. How do they think up this stuff? That aside though, this beast is fierce. I really like this zukan, I've been looking for it for quite some time now, and am really happy to have it.

RSE 07: Carvanha/Sharpedo

It's kind of a shame actually that Sharpedo already exists.. You see, I have my own shark Pokémon that I'd love to see in the series. It's a starter line.
I made a whole thing for it too actually.
First we have Lody, the Nibbling Pokemon. They swim in packs, and nibble on anything they can find to see if it's edible.
It then evolves into Lodah, the Biting Pokemon. After having evolved, Lodah have grown up and now hunt on their own. They have a strong bite.
Once mature it evolves into Lodon, the Crunching Pokemon. Lodon are solitary hunters. Lodon's bite has an immense force, strong enough to even bite through Magikarp scales.
...Lodon though.. can mega evolve. ..into.. MegaLodon.. ..yeah.. I really did just think all this up for a stupid pun, I'm sorry. Moving on.

RSE 08: Lileep/Cradily/Root Fossil

RSE 08: Lileep/Cradily/Root Fossil

..Plant..things! Yeah! Just kidding, they're cool! I really like the soft almost pastel colours here. I'd been meaning to get this one for a long time. Burried in there is the Root Fossil! It's tiny :O

RSE 08: Lileep/Cradily/Root Fossil

RSE 09: Anorith/Armaldo/Claw Fossil

RSE 09: Anorith/Armaldo/Claw Fossil

Same story as with the line above. I wanna have all fossil pokemon, and I'm pretty far on my way. Look at the claw fossil in front! Poor Anorith is just feeling it like "H.hello? A.are you okay?"

RSE 09: Anorith/Armaldo/Claw Fossil

These two can connect with each other! The Cranidos line from DP 11 looks like it might connect too, but nope, not really! I put it there anyway.

RSE 08: Lileep/Cradily/Root Fossil, RSE 09: Anorith/Armaldo/Claw Fossil, DP 01: Lucario's base, DP 08: Shieldon/Bastidon, DP 11: Cranidos/Rampardos/Skull Fossil, CUSTOM: Shield Fossils

A happy family of long-extinct Pokémon.

RSE SP 04: Mew (day)

RSE SP 04: Mew (day)

The day castle! I got the night castle last year, but I sort of prefer this one! Let's just not get into the implications of the castle too being scale 1/40.

RSE SP 04: Mew (day)

RSE SP 04: Mew (day)

RSE SP 04: Mew (day)

Now a shot of the two castles side by side

RSE SP 04: Mew (day), RSE SP 04: Mew (night)

I still prefer day, but night is cool, too.

RSE SP 04: Mew (day), RSE SP 04: Mew (night), GSC 02: Mew

Still, over both, I prefer the mountain Mew. They're all three cool though. There is still a semi-zukan left of Mew in some circular picture diorama. I'm not sure if that's a zukan though, even if it's scale 1/40.

DP 04: Piplup/Prinplup/Empoleon

DP 04: Piplup/Prinplup/Empoleon

Pinguins! I love all three of em! One of my favorite starters of all time! Dawn's Piplup is adorable, too! Also, more birds!

DP 04: Piplup/Prinplup/Empoleon

DP 07: Snorunt/Glalie/Froslass

DP 07: Snorunt/Glalie/Froslass

They're cold! Eh, no, eh.. Yeah! They're cool! That's it.

DP 07: Snorunt/Glalie/Froslass

Froslass looks like she's considering something.

XY 02: Chespin/Quilladin/Chestnaught

XY 02: Chespin/Quilladin/Chestnaught

Kalos starters! I like Chestnaught best of these three stages of its life. Not sure why. Maybe it's the colours?

XY 02: Chespin/Quilladin/Chestnaught

XY 02:  Fennekin/Braixen/Delphox

XY 02: Fennekin/Braixen/Delphox

Hate me all you want, I like Delphox! Fennekin is cute, Braixen is. eh.. I feel like I say it's cute, the FBI will barge in, so let's call it well designed then. But Delphox to me is just a good natural next step! It becomes a full on witch, whilst clearly still being a fox too! I loved using it in battle, too!

XY 02: Fennekin/Braixen/Delphox

XY 02: Froakie/Frogadier/Greninja

XY 02: Froakie/Frogadier/Greninja

If you don't already hate me for liking Delphox, surely you will after reading this: I don't like Greninja. I think it's overhyped, its design is alright, but nothing to write home about. The tongue is weird.

XY 02: Froakie/Frogadier/Greninja

XY 02: Panchamp/Pangoro

XY 02: Panchamp/Pangoro

Damn! This thing is big! It makes Snorlax (also a bear) look more like cuddly teddy bear if anything. I like how it kinda looks like a jacket.

XY 02: Panchamp/Pangoro

King Studio 13: Deoxys Normal Tentacle/Deoxys Attack/ Deoxys Defense/Deoxys Speed

King Studio 13: Deoxys Normal Tentacle/Deoxys Attack/ Deoxys Defense/Deoxys Speed

Onto the zuken! This Deoxys planetoide was something I knew I needed once I first saw it. I love space, and just look at this object! It's so detailed! It fits the Deoxys so well! It's really heavy, too.

King Studio 13: Deoxys Normal Tentacle/Deoxys Attack/ Deoxys Defense/Deoxys Speed

A shot from the side.

King Studio 13: Deoxys Normal Tentacle/Deoxys Attack/ Deoxys Defense/Deoxys Speed

Even the pegs are nice here!

King Studio 13: Deoxys Normal Tentacle/Deoxys Attack/ Deoxys Defense/Deoxys Speed

One thing that also came with this zuken, is a heart crystal embedded in rock :O Like in the movie!

King Studio 13: Deoxys Normal Tentacle/Deoxys Attack/ Deoxys Defense/Deoxys Speed

King Studio 14: Fletchling/Fletchlinder/Talonflame

King Studio 14: Fletchling/Fletchlinder/Talonflame

These are amazing! They're so angular, yet rounded! So aggressive, yet elegant! Needless to say, I had a Talonflame on my team in X. One minor complaint though, the pegs are very thin, and don't fit well.

King Studio 14: Fletchling/Fletchlinder/Talonflame

King Studio 14: Fletchling/Fletchlinder/Talonflame

????: Frillish (male)/Jelicent (male)

????: Frillish (male)/Jelicent (male)

I..don't know which studio made this :s But they did a mighty good job at it! Jelicent is one of my favorite mons from Gen V, it's so silly, but good too! Kinda like a water ghost pringles man.

????: Frillish (male)/Jelicent (male)

????: Rowlet/Rowlet/Dartrix/Decidueye

????: Rowlet/Rowlet/Dartrix/Decidueye

I again don't know which studio made this. Where to start.. When I played Moon, I didn't know yet what the starters would evolve into. I purposefully tried to not spoil myself with trailers etc. When it evolved, I was very disappointed. I loved Rowlet, but Datrix and Decidueye look absolutely ridiculous.

I remember this picture, and it my mind, it sort of came true.

Poor evolutions.

That being said though, this zukan of them, looks amazing! I love birds, and I was sad to see them lose their flying type, and to see Decidueye stand there with its wings tucked in all the time.. but like this, fully spread out, it CAN look fantastic! Not to mention that Rowlet keeps being an adorable birb.

????: Rowlet/Rowlet/Dartrix/Decidueye

????: Rowlet/Rowlet/Dartrix/Decidueye

That's all the new stuff I have, but more is on its way.
Oh, two more pics though, my Platinum, and Emerald teams!

Team in Platinum (Roserade was shiny there, first shiny I ever caught!)

Team from Emerald

Thanks for reading if you came to here, I hope you enjoyed the post, see ya in three months or so.

Oh, ps, I forgot something. I'd ordered a special watery base for Kyogre. It looks alright, but do not order it. It was sticky, smelly, and overal a bad time. It dried up mostly over weeks time, but I still keep it on paper. At least the photos look nice.

Sticky base for Kyogre

Sticky base for Kyogre

prinplup, blaziken, fletchling, wurmple, sharpedo, roserade, torchic, cacnea, mew, delcatty, slugma, chesnaught, anorith, rampardos, collection update, froakie, sandshrew, figures, zukan, gets, greninja, beautifly, frogadier, combusken, grail, cascoon, talonflame, gen7, cacturne, gen6, frillish, piplup, armaldo, fletchinder, fennekin, sandslash, empoleon, chespin, braixen, 1st gen, glalie, carvanha, nuzleaf, deoxys, shiftry, quilladin, gen5, pokemon, gen 7, pangoro, dustox, seedot, magcargo, silcoon, collection, cranidos, aggron, 3rd gen, froslass, pancham, jellicent, bastiodon, delphox

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