updated sales!

May 02, 2019 09:51

I've added a few more of my extras and weeded a few things, including a Magikarp pokedoll is back up for sale. I also still have some Poochy figures left and some other Tomys!

Thank you! <3

Sales permission granted by
allinia on 6/11/14-

- I accept Paypal only. Prices are in USD.

- My feedback can be found here. Please make sure to view previous feedback. http://feedback.pkmncollectors.net/feedback/view/docgerbilsworld/
(previous http://feedback.pkmncollectors.net/feedback/view/evilsockferret/)

- I refuse to sell to banned members.

- ALL pkmncollectors rules apply.

- Items come from a smoke free, but not pet free home.

- Payment is due within 24 hours.(If you need an item held or a payment plan, please let me know before committing so we can work it out)

-I can't do refunds, so please don't hesitate to ask about close ups or details!

- I ship within 3-7 days.

- Shipping is from Minnesota.

-Shipping includes materials(if needed)

-Prices don't include shipping unless otherwise stated.

- Please state if you are committed to the item you are interested in purchasing. If not, it may go to someone

- Once out of my hands, I am no longer responsible for the item if it gets lost or damaged.

- Please add your LJ username and what you bought in the note.

- Feedback appreciated and will be done in return!

- All items are legitimate unless otherwise stated

LEGIT Velboa Umbreon Pokedoll TTO, has S sticker - $30

LEGIT Magikarp Velboa Pokedoll TTO - $55

Zorua Pokedoll, TTO - $8

Custom Shiny Ditto - $20

Fuzzy Tomy Meowth - $4

Cyndaquil All Star NWT - $12

Zygarde core NWT - $7

Victini UFO NWT - $7

Alolan Meowth UFO NWT - $7
Big Meowth TTO - $10
Diglett keychain NWT - $5

Tomy Dedenne NWT - $5

Dragonite All Star NWT - $13

Amaura, NWT - $5

Small Charizard, tush only - $3

Laying Vulpix NWT - $10

Laying Raichu NWT - $10

Big Alolan Raichu UFO, TTO - $18

Inkay, has hang tag - $7

Luvdisc, 1 has tang tag, one only TTO, x3 - $5 or $3 for the TTO one

Phione UFO damaged, can be fixed - $3


Sleeping Minun - $40

Tropius - $10

Milotic(some scuffs) - $10

Glameow, base yellowed - SOLD

Yellow Raichu - $5 each

Pearl Mega Mewtwo - $10

Munchlax - $4

European Poochyena figure, legit - $7

Poochyena Mightybean(damaged) - $3

Poochyena Megablok - $6
Poochyena Hasbro - $10

sales, plush, raichu, mirage, tomy, pokedolls

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