I haven't visited here in years because of low funds and not wanting to impulse purchase, but I've been browsing lately since things are more stable now so I figured it's time to start posting again! I love grass type Pokemon and collect plushes of them. I recently got some new ones too! Otherwise I'll buy the rare murch for less popular Pokemon I love like Hawlucha (I should've got that tomy before he became hard to find ;_;) or Reuniclus.
Check the cut to see them. They're Pokemon that have not had a plush for YEARS and I was ecstatic they finally exist!
I'm posting on mobile so hopefully the pics aren't too big.
Liligant has had MPC and other similar plush before but NEVER a regular sized high quality plush to the Pokemon Center or TOMY styles. AND NOW SHE GETS AN ALL STAR PLUSH! I was so excited to see she finally got one!!
The Ludicolo is from the new Detective Pikachu line and his first ever plush if I'm not mistaken. I was so lucky to find him. He was the last one in stock at my local target. Brickseek had him marked as sold out everywhere else and he's already going for $22-40 online. X_X He's very nice quality and almsot feels like a PokeCen plush. I'll have to get the Habsro Lotad beanie to go with him now lol.
And now here are the rest of my grass types! I have more plush that are none grass I may show later in a general collection update.
That's it for this update! Thanks so much for reading if you're still here. I'll end this with an upcoming grass type merch question. Has there been any update on when that final starter evo plush line in Japanese Pokemon centers will come to the U.S. site? I absolutely can't wait for Torterra. If not, is there a general window of time for how long it takes to come over? Thank you!!