Happy New year everyone!!! Now that I have everything in from my birthday buys and christmas I figured it's time for an update!
First, I finally got Let's Go for my birthday on the 13th. I really love this game lol.
Second, I finally got my lot of magnets in that I ordered for these two babies! Now I just need the glow in the dark one!
Third, my Christmas gets. I have an amazing mom who ordered off my PC.com wishlist and my pokevault wishlist! I got a lifesize Popplio, tomy in box popplio, mega sableye cosplay pikachu, ditto sableye, PC sableye, PC Jangmo-o line pins, PC Hydreigon line pins, Best Wishes clear file, two stickers with Hydreigon, two of the new can badges that had hydreigon on them, best wishes coin purse, and a best wishes wash cloth! Let's just say I was a just a *tad* overjoyed with this lot!
Fourth, I got my preorders from Polah! I'm in love with Nidoqueen, and I of course had to get her husband too lol.
Lastly! I have been on the search for this hydreigon inkpad FOREVER!!! Well, I found the full set for sale on Mercari Jpn and got it! Best part? The ink is actually still good!!!!! Idk how the heck I got so lucky lol.
Here is my full collection now that I have everything reorganized!
Here is my collection site if you would like to see more of my items close up!
http://presleyhydrei.weebly.com Here are my updated wants list! Most of the hydreigon stuff is pretty hard to find.. But maybe someone has the two sableyes for a little cheaper than I'm seeing on eBay? Anyway, let me know!