I received my card ♥ [Christmas Card Exchange 2018]

Dec 22, 2018 00:02

I received it some days ago, but I didn't had any time to post. fluna_daiyunel made me this gorgeous Christmas card, I love it so much! ♥ Look at this super cute scene and the vibrant colors! x3 It really makes me so happy.
Fluna included so many of my favorite Pokemon, which is so much more than I would have expect. I named exactly 10, so that my gifter has a good selection, to pick something he/she likes to draw. Thank you so much Fluna! I love every detail. The little Burmy made me laugh and how Bulbasaur is decorating the tree with them. Scatterbug is so cute, of course. Cx And how wonderful is it, that Pidove is singing a Merry Christmas to me?! C'X Shiny Furret is such a great Christmas tree addition, too! :D x3 And as an another addition, there is a Snivy on the inside. ♥ Thank you so much again! ♥ I enjoyed reading your message, too. :3
And don't forget the non-edible Gummy-mons! C:

pidove, snivy, bulbasaur, pokemon, burmy, furret

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