Hello community! I'm back with the collection update I promised about 24 hours ago ^^ Its been a while since my last update. Once again, I want to thank all of you wonderful people. Without you, this wouldn't be possible! I didn't get the package I'm waiting for, but that's okay. This is going to be rather a long post, so make yourself comfortable!
[Click here to go green!] There are only 1,5 weeks remaining before I go back to work. I'm so excited to meet new students and happy to see the older ones. The subject I teach during the first two months is probabilities. I like that subject very much, it's fun to teach. I have been spending some time creating some maths problems featuring Pokémon! It's been so much fun :D You see, Pokémon battles are based on probabilities so that's a perfect way to teach the topic. I'll share one of my creations with you at the end of this post :)
Buuut, lets get to the actual point. Here is a preview of my collection:
It's pretty crowded on top of the shelf... Lets see what the cases contain
Treecko and Grovyle section
Sceptile section. Can you spot the shiny kid?
Flats section. When I buy something from somebody, I always save the thank you -note (if the person left one) so I won't forget that person :)
Others section. Don't be fooled, that Sceptile pokédoll is not "other", I just couldn't find better place for it. Torchick, Combusken and Marshtomp are for sale.
Bandai Poké Balls and jumbo cards. The cards are also for sale. There is also jumbo Ho-Oh available.
TCG. This collection was complete but not anymore since new Sceptile cards are coming! If that upcoming Sceptile GX turns out to be good after all, I may unretire from TCG ha ha! But I doubt it... Speaking of TCG, I'll do something I have never done before: I will reveal my deck's content! Just for you :)
This deck is for the Expanded format. It has served me a long time and I still use it in Expanded games. It is fun to play and super annoying to play against :D
These two items are most important items to me. That cap means a world to me. I almost never go out without it. It has a story behind it. I have told it once earlier but I don't mind telling it again. almost 3 years ago, I went to a TCG tournament. During the fourth round, I got matched up against a friend of mine. We ended in a draw. When the Swisses were over, I was in the first place. At the top 8, I ended up against my friend again. I lost but that was totally fine because my friend eventually won the whole tournament! He got that Treecko cap and gave it to me. I was happy and I still am!
Some perler sprites on my wall.
I haven't shown you my games yet. I'm a big Super Mario fan as you can see. I like Mario Party games. However, my all-time favorite game is Paper Mario:The Thousand-Year-Door. I have completed it like 20 times and just started it over ONCE AGAIN! Paper Mario series in general is very good!
I know you've seen this guy too many times but still! I love him so much <3 We are currently having very hot weather here in Finland. The temperature has gone above +30 degrees (Celsius) every day for over a week! And they say the warm weather could last for FOUR MORE WEEKS! Argh... If my Toxicroak was real, he would scream because of Dry Skin... Actually, he will get a friend of its own size in the near future. I just commissioned another life size plush. This time, I'll tell you now. It's going to be Hawlucha! And so far I haven't decided where to put that guy... Can't wait!
Finally, one of the problems I promised you: A Pokémon performs an attack with the accuracy of 70%. How many times must the attack be performed so that the attack hits its target at least once with the probability of 99%?
That's all for now! If you have something Treecko line stuff you did not see here, don't hesitate to tell me! Thank you so much for reading! Have a good weekend :)