I suppose that I should re-introduce myself. My name is M14Mouse...or Mouse if you wish. I am in my 30s. (You are never too old to collect awesome stuff) I am your little bit...off beat collector. I collect Ralts Line, Seedot line, and of course, my little bug, the weedle. I have been a member about 3 years now. Although, I don't post much (my pokemon don't appear on much stuff sadly anymore). Sometimes, I do catch a lucky break (I just won an auction for blue metal weedle!)
First off, lets start with SS, shall we?
My lovely gifter this year was
2fat_free. Who did a wonderful job on decorate the box and the letter! Love the box! :D
Lets see....what is inside....
Stuff....lots of it! :D I have no patient for taking picture as I underwrap....
LOOK AT GOODIES! I LOVE IT! THE WEEDLE CARD! AND YOU FOUND IT! And a little weedle marble...I never knew that it is existed! This is one reason that I love the swap...gifters normally find things that you don't find! You have no idea how happy that makes me. :D If I have some of the stuff already, Extras are totally getting used. The keychain is going on my con bag. Weedle pin on my con badge. :D I love little box and the shiny painted Kirlia.
I love everything...still working on the cookies....Thank you so much!
Now after you seen me squee over my SS...time for my collection. I am going to be repainting and laying down new carpet this year. My collection will be all together come my next update. YAYAYAYA!
First off...the weedle. :D My little bug
Ralts Line
Seedot line/Sudowoodo/Ziggy line
My minor lines: Torchic and Empoleon