Zukan Collection and Bootleg Paranoia

Mar 18, 2018 00:20

Heyooo! It's me again! And this time I'm back with another bootleg topic!
At this point my posts might as well be all about bootlegs haha. But hey, we can all learn a new thing or two so it's a win-win right?

So, after that incident with bootleg figures that left me stumped, I feel the need and paranoia to check my other figures, particularly Zukans and Eevee Ippai Collections, also this is one way to show a teaser of my collections. :D

So without further ado, here they are!

First things first, the zukans. I have 2 zukans and 5 arrived just this noon, and noticed something weird, the mamoswine zukan, while all are looking fine, have two peg slots on the base even though they don't need pegs. Mamoswine also have a large, noticeable seams, and knowing that rough seams are probably an indicator of bootleg figures like Kaiyodo, I can't help but thought the worse.

Next are the XY set consisting of Pangoro and Kalos starters. They also looks really fine, but I can't find any stamps on them, the same can be said for the Dragonite and Pyroar zukan I have, while Mamoswine have a stamp both on the base and its belly. Speaking of belly, Pangoro have weird bluish mark on its belly (might not show in the photo), also Quilladin have painting mistakes on the eyebrows and cheeks and Chespin's mouth looks strange. Gren and Phox are fine for now except for the nonexistence stamps.

And lastly, Pyroar and Litleo are secondhand and glued onto its base. Both these and Dragonite set also doesn't have stamps.

Next are the Eeveelution Ippai set, I've actually been suspicious of its authenticity since the Sylveon have different shade of pink compared to the original Moncolle, Leafeon's brown colors and Flareon's red also seems different than what I've seen, but that might be because of lighting conditions and camera effects. They did come with stickers and the booklets though so they might be authentic?

Here you can see the difference in colors between ippai sylveon and moncolle sylveon, also you can notice the right Ippai sylveon's eyes are bit misaligned.

So, what do you think? Am I just paranoid or are there anything weird with them? I tried using cuts but I'm sorry if I made any mistakes regarding the pictures, hope you like it and if you spot any oddities please let me know! Thank you!

*enjoy the swine family tower! ^.^

piloswine, vaporeon, quilladin, pangoro, mamoswine, zukan, pancham, chespin, flareon, chesnaught, sylveon, leafeon, swinub

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