I was really looking forward to the Tomy My Friend Eevee plush when I saw it on the 2017 catalog, but it didn't appear on market until recently. So I ordered it as fast as I could.
And today the plush arrived!
First impression: disappointed.
The cheeks are too big, the head is not balanced, because there's a huge plastic structure inside its head, making the head look awkward.
It's ears tilt and it talks when you push its chest, which is the fun part of this plush.
It can play 12 different sounds (in English and in French too!) but I haven't figured out all of them, it's kinda random, not like what Tomy officially said (push 1 time=7 random sounds, 2 times or hold 5 seconds=the rest)
Now onto the worst part of this plush in my opinion: the bottom part.
There's the battery cover and switch of the voice box, covered with a piece of fabric connected to the front of the body.
But look at the paw pads, they're embroided on that poor piece of fabric instead of on the actual paws!!!
I just don't understand why it was designed like that, they could have made that piece of fabric smaller, it's still going to be enough to cover the plastic part. Actually I don't mind even the plastic part is uncovered, the paw pads look so weird this way.
It's not THAT bad when you display the plush though, I'm just dissapoined.
Here's the new plush compared to the 2012 Japanese Tomy talking Eevee, the new one is much bigger. I still prefer the 2012 one, not only because of the appearance but also the voice. The new Eevee says "Eevee" mostly while the 2012 plush can sing a cute song.
That's all I can say about this plush, it's retail price is at $29.99 which is not a cheap price. I believe Tomy could have done a better job :(
And a quick sales reminder here:
http://fdarkly.livejournal.com/804.htmlAll paid orders have been shipped.
Have a nice day!