Hoping to move~ Sales updated!

Jan 30, 2018 17:44

Hello everyone! Hope you guys are doing great!
It's a rare occassion tomorrow: the super blood moon!
Anyone gonna look at it? I might! I say might because it's going to be cold and I don't know if I want to deal with that or not! :b

Anyway, my husband and I have decided that we wanted to buy our first home together. It's such an exciting yet scary process! We are hoping to get some funds for it so I decided I was going to downsize my collection. This way going to happen either way as I am no longer able to keep up with so much anymore. ):

Instead, I am going to concentrate on my main collection: MEW! Mew is my favorite pokemon. (: So I'd like to concentrate on that instead. I will still have a small side of pikachu and vulpix but most will be gone. So right now, I'm slowly sifting through boxes and putting stuff up on sale. This is going to be a long process, so I'll probably take a while and update the sales post periodically,

For now, I've put up some really rare collectibles up for sale. (: Do check it out!

Usable on pokemon sun and pokemon moon only!
No purchase needed, just let me know you want one! :D
Take it as a mod gift from me, to you guys! Without you guys, the community will die off.
So thank you (:

scraggy, snivy, oshawott, togepi, charmander, sales, squirtle, bulbasaur, pikachu

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