Hi, I have a big box of stickers I need to sell. I'm gonna start with with these while I organize everything x_x'
-Sales permission granted by areica96 on may 7th, 2017
-All community rules apply
-My feedback is here:
http://feedback.pkmncollectors.net/feedback/view/Mijumari/-I do not sell to banned/non members
-Banned from my sales: mabelgkim
-I only accept Paypal, prices are in USD and do not include paypal fees
-I ship from Peru and ship worldwide, prices do no include shipping unless stated
-Asking for a quote/expressing interest does not give you priority over an item, I will sell to the first to commit
-I only accept haggling on items that say OBO
-I can hold items for 24 hours if you're committed, backing out will result in negative feedback
-I usually ship within 3 days
-I have cats
-I ship in bubble mailers, if you would like your stuff shipped in a box, let me know, however this will increase shipping
-Here's a shipping chart, dont commit to an item if you don't agree with the shipping costs, I'll leave negative feedback.
I ship in bubble mailers, if you would like a box, let me know, though that will increase shipping
Auction Rules
-Minimum increment is $1
-Don't delete your bids, if you made a mistake let me know and I'll fix it
-Payment is due 24 hours after the auction ends.
-I added the weight of each lo of stickers, it doesn't include packing, but unless you wan cardboard, it won't add a lot.
Auction ends on Wednesday 4th at 3 pm, Peru time.
https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20171004T15&p0=131&msg=Sticker+Auctions&font=cursive Now the stuff **Lots of pictures**
Amada stickers series 1: Starts at $10
This are very old, some have yellow edges. Its missing the following:
REGULAR: ivysaur, venusaur,butterfree, pidgeot, raticate, fearow, ekans, arbok, ninetails, zubat, golbat, venomoth, diglett, dugtrio, 051 meowth, growlithe, poliwag, poliwrath, tentacool, tentacruel, geodude, slowbro, magnemite, doduo, muk, exegguttor, weezing, rhydon, goldeen, staryu, mr. mime, scyther, magikarp, gyarados, ditto, eevee, vaporeon, flareon, omanyte, dragonair
HOLO: Charmander, Charizard, Abra, Ponyta, Gyarados, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres
GOLD: venusaur, charizard, clefairy, farfechtd, chansey, vaporeon, flareon, jolteon, porygon, articuno, moltres, mewtwo, mew + the promo 000 mew sticker
***I noticed while taking the pictures that the porygon sticker is damaged, it will be replaced with a new one.
Weight: 150 grams
Amada Stickers series 2: Starts at $10
Most are mint since I bought a sealed box to complete my own collection, lol
It's missing the following:
REGULAR: Poliwag, Marowak
HOLO: charizard,squirtle, blastoise, nidoqueen, ninetales, starmie, gyarados, mewtwo, mew
GOLD: venusar, charizard, pidgeot, pikachu, sanlash, jigglypuff, alakazam, golem, slowbro, chansey, scyther, magmar, pinsir, tauros, ricuno, zapdos, moltres, dragonite, mewtwo, mew
GLITTERY: charizard, blastoise, pikachu + the promo mewtwo sticker
Weight: 175 grams
Sealdass lot: Starts at $20
this stickers cards are really nice and I wanted to complete the set but they just sit in a box so better find them a new home, let me know if you would like better pictures
Missing way too many to list
Holo sealdass: Starts at $10
Please dont bid until his is crossed