I recently shopped a couple of items off pokemon center and I was looking forward to receiving it. xD
Usually, my items would come all at once but unexpectedly it didn't. A box arrived early and it was huggeeee so I figured all my stuff were here! But lo and behold... they weren't. xD you can watch the vid if you'd like!
It was just my alola ninetales!! In 1 giant box. xD a few days later, another box came and this time it was in a fuller box, but smaller in length. xD
Here's a full picture of how one of my recent shelf looks like! I actually really like how they look right now.
Just a reminder that my auction is is ending in 10 days. ^^ most of them has no bids yet. Poor stuff. xD
Click the picture to be redirected!
Is anyone else having issues uploading images up from the post itself? I had to upload in scrapbook before I could attach images on my post! :c