Looking for Pikachu/Mario card, awesome get, and japanese magazine auction!

Dec 01, 2016 10:36


First I'll start off with 2 Pikachu/Mario cards and the sleeve, which I really want! Who can help me with that?

I really want the cards and the sleeve, I prefer it from 1 seller :) I have seen them already go for 21$ all together with shipping, but I was hoping if someone had it around 15-17$?

Then, I have commissioned pikabulbachu a hugh request! I wanted an album with lots of her beautiful work! I ordered some work you have probably seen from her before, but I also ordered lots of new ones, with Zigzagoon as main caracter! Take a look below :3

I have seen Yasmin made a Pikachu drawing in Eevee clothes, and she made me this one in Zigzagoon clothes! Isn't it adorable :D
Next, I asked to draw 5 diffrent pieces, with each of them Zigzagoon as main caracter, together with other Pokemon I love. I'm so in love with your work Yasmin! That's why I wanted an album, so I can ask for more in the future, if you're open for commissions again :3

Last 2 with Zigzagoon as main caracter :3 (oh how I love the secret base drawing!!! :D ) Next to it, is the front of the album :) Again with pokemon I love <3

These drawing are already made for others, but she printed them again for me <3 I had to have them!

And another Zig drawing :3 thanks again!

Now on to the auction. This is a Japanese Magazine,  with lots of Pokemon information in it, along with a Spinda cutout and some stickers.
It's a new magaine, I still have it in plastic, just took it out for pictures.

- I was granted sales permission on December 17th 2015 by
You can find my rules here: http://linameerun.livejournal.com/2136.html

If you order this, shipping will be 6.50$, no matter where to in the world! It's quite heavy, lots of pages (see below)

This auction will end next Friday, December 8th 2016, 21:00 Dutch time.
Link to timer: https://countingdownto.com/countdown/magazine-auction-08-december-2016-countdown-clock

Auction starts at 10$, good luck bidding!

Pokemon Japanese magazine with 150 pages (also other stuff not only Pokemon!)
Magazine has pictures (small or big) and information (japanese) of the following Pokemon:
Jirachi, Wynaut, Pikachu, Plusle, Minun, Skitty, Mudkip, Spheal, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Torchic, Espeon, Umbreon, Skarmory, Aggron, Armaldo, Glalie, Serviper, Solrock, Kyorge, Groudon, Salamance, Furret, Chimecho, Mantine, Flaaffy, Skiploom, Ludicolo, Metagross, Swablu, Sentret, Pichu, Quilava, Quagsire, Roselia, Misdreavus, Croconaw, Bayleef, Makuhita, Slugma, Noctowl, Sudowoodo, Remoraid, Yanma, Qwilfish, trainer Brendan, Blaziken, Sceptile, Wailmer, Baltoy, Snorunt, Treecko, Meditite, Duskull, Gardevoir, trainer Brawly, trainer May, Vibrava, Volbeat, Manactric, Hariyama, Spinda.
Extra's in the magazine: Spinda cutout figure, stickers of: Swampert, Sceptile Dunspare, Wynaut, Walrein, Blaziken, Salamance, Ludicolo, Croconaw, Quilava, Bayleef, Kecleon, Latias, Torchic, Pikachu, Altaria, Remoraid, Skitty, Mantine, Latios, Treecko, Mudkip, Plusle, Minun, Slaking, Spheal, Whiscash, Castform, Jirachi, Espeon, Umbreon, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle

Thanks for reading!

Have a nice day!

snorunt, salamence, swampert, skitty, seviper, torchic, mantine, ludicolo, noctowl, skarmory, slaking, slugma, treecko, metagross, spinda, espeon, sentret, mudkip, misdreavus, quagsire, hariyama, baltoy, latios, wynaut, whiscash, pikachu, croconaw, dunsparce, spheal, skiploom, groudon, pichu, blaziken, flaaffy, sceptile, meditite, kyogre, qwilfish, kecleon, quilava, sudowoodo, jirachi, minun, duskull, manectric, remoraid, volbeat, walrein, wailmer, chimecho, plusle, armaldo, squirtle, gardevoir, altaria, glalie, furret, bayleef, castform, makuhita, bulbasaur, aggron, charmander, yanma, roselia, latias, solrock, umbreon, swablu, vibrava

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