Hey, everyone! Long time, no post! For a quick reintro, I'm RemDeRosier, my main collections are Lillipup line and Pikachu, with side mains of Ziggy line and Puppy Pokémon. Here's a
link to my, admittedly outdated, website.
Anyway, the time has come that Pokémon has finally graced us with a red panda. Admittedly, I wanted the red panda to be a little more "BA", but I will happily accept adorable! Plus, Stufful reminds me of my red panda plush that stays on my bed named Larry, hahaha.
Anyway, I'm interested in anything Stufful! I know there probably isn't anything since the game hasn't dropped yet, but I'm interested in anything from flats to customs. So, show me what you have!
Thanks in advance!