Auction reminder **Super rare Revista Posters**

Oct 07, 2016 16:09

Hello guys!

In a few days my auction will end, with some rare posters, don't forget to take a look:

Or click the pictures: (and many more posters :3)

Also I have updated my sales:

Thanks for looking, have a nice weekend!!

chikorita, breloom, wurmple, mantyke, wingull, kirlia, mantine, whismur, ludicolo, ralts, slaking, shroomish, treecko, rhydon, munchlax, slakoth, buizel, raikou, latios, zapdos, swellow, pikachu, pelipper, linoone, taillow, nuzleaf, shiftry, venusaur, seedot, masquerain, charmander, latias, vigoroth, charizard, floatzel

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