kid figures & minimodels sales!

Oct 02, 2016 18:07

Hey guys! I have a bunch of sales things for you today - lots of gen1&2 kid figures, minimodels, some candy figures and various items, and a Vulpix bell plush! Check them out under the cut :D

But first, a quick collection update! I've slowed down on collection hunting/searching a lot, but my Vulpix Vision™ is as sharp as ever - spotted the telltale shape of Vulpix tails in a minimodel lot a few weeks back, and added the little yellow guy to my rainbow! :D (Yikes, I need to dust..)

I love these silly Ditto pixes! The new Allstar plush is excellent, too :D And a Tomy Noibat, finally! Got him a couple months ago and he's fantastic.

The full display! Getting pretty crowded.. I think I'll rearrange everything on the left to make room for the inevitable snowpix merch :D

Aaand sales time!

I ship from the US, and in most cases I ship next day! I was grandfathered into sales permission in .. 2008? Dang! Shipping starts at about $3.50 within the US, $10.50 to Canada, and $14 to the rest of the world. I'll ship anywhere, and I accept paypal! Most items came from eBay or y!j lots, and may have small/light/faint marks or wear.

Once I give you a quote, you have 24 hours to reply - if I don't hear back from you, your claims will go to the next person in line.

Prices are not set in stone - feel free to haggle, I'm definitely open to offers!

Vulpix bell plush - this guy's in excellent condition overall, no scratches on the paint, has bell and string attached, etc. No box, though!
There's one with box priced at about $190 on ebay, but I couldn't find any recently sold listings to base a price on. I have mine listed at $170, but I'm absolutely open to offers on this and I'm more than happy to work out a payment plan, just let me know!

Candy figures - I can include the plastic Pokeball with any of these, just let me know!
$2 Pikachu, Audino
$4 Zygarde, Frogadier, Mamoswine (smaller one)
$6 Chesnaught
$10 Ash's Greninja, Noivern, Delphox, Sylveon

Clipping figures (I think?)
$3 Empoleon, Mamoswine (bigger one), Deoxys

$8 Dialga keshipoke (I think? He's super small, and came in a set that had the Luxray keshipoke as well)
$3 Mew zukan, Aipom zukan (both have marks over left eyes)
$9 Zangoose zukan (small marks on face, peg is broken off inside it)

I don't remember what these are called, but they're small, glossy, and have holes for pegs (not zukan, though.) Footprint figures?
$1 Chimchar, Kriketot, silver Shaymin, normal Shaymin, Mantyke, Palkia, Lumineon, Starly, Piloswine, Regigigas, Omanyte, metal Venonat
$2 Lopunny, Shaymin sky (some wear), Drifblim, Piplup, Chespin keychain
$3 left Giratina, right Giratina (clear), Gabite, Zekrom soap figure, Dedenne, metal Dratini, Reshiram (clipping figure? has some wear), sleepy Chespin, Drilbur Sandile Zekrom keychains

$1 Primeape, Goldeen in-case figures
$3 winking Pikachu, screen cleaner Pikachu (yellow package), Pepsi Pikachu (silver package), waving Pikachu with strap, Stunfisk, Deerling, Groudon, sparkly gen5 starters button
$6 MIP PokeCen Piplup charm
$10 MIP Snorlax Pikachu sleeping bag charm

$1 Mantyke Tomy, Combusken keychain (no chain)
$2 Reshiram, Aipom Tomys, Bellossom Tomy keychain (left), Bellossom pokeball keychain (right), Lickilicky
$4 Shaymin water squirter
$5 Pikachu/Pichu/Piplup mini bag
$12 Blissey coinbank, Moltres coinbank
$14 Espeon Kuji figure (base has a small mark, otherwise excellent), MIP big Pikachu figure? might be electronic or talk, no idea! I can get a closer photo of the packaging if you'd like!

Oldschool Banpresto keychains, all with tags! Mewtwo has some marks, but the rest look great. Tags have some creases/wear though.
$5 each [Mewtwo Charizard Charmeleon Bulbasaur Ivysaur Venusaur Squirtle]

Minimodels! $1 each
light blue - Moltres Doduo Magneton Seadra Shellder Poliwag Goldeen Magnemite Seel Lapras Magikarp Psyduck Staryu Starmie Krabby Horsea Slowpoke Gloom
blue - Pidgeot Exeggcutor Oddish NidoranF Raticate Parasect Electabuzz Abra
purple - Fearow Dodrio

More minimodels! $1 each
green - Kabutops Onix Hitmonchan Scyther Machoke Machop Arbok Tauros NidoranM Dugtrio Snorlax Pikachu Electrode Ivysaur
yellow - Bulbasaur Weepinbell (has marks, freebie) Wartortle Charmeleon Porygon Chansey Ditto Ekans Mankey Articuno
red - Nidoking Cubone Pidgey Clefairy Aerodactyl Nidorino

And yet more minimodels! $4 each (or make an offer!)
Kangaskhan Mewtwo Dratini (orange, blue), Arcanine Eevee Growlithe Raichu Vaporeon Jolteon Flareon

Cute little rubbery figures, hollow but smaller and squishier than kid figures.
$4 each? Sentret Aipom Blissey Heracross Hoothoot Pichu Quagsire Cleffa Snubbul

Teeny tiny little eraser?ish figures. Super cute! Some slight discoloration from age, more obvious on the lighter-colored ones.
$1 Poliwhirl Hitmonlee Pikachu Slowpoke Meowth
$3 Flareon Squirtle Mew Gengar Charmander

Kid figures!! I have So Many kid figures. I have doubles (or more) of some of these, so if for some reason you need five Slowbros, let me know! xP
Buy 4, get one free! All are $1 unless otherwise noted.

$1 Grovyle Purrloin Nuzleaf Chimchar Snorunt Swablu (marks) Slakoth Cacturne
$1 Pikachu (from left to right - old style, newer old style, sitting, sitting w/ head turned), laying Pikachu, winking Pikachu
$2 Salamence, Weavile, Victini (clear), Gardevoir, Oshawott, Mewtwo, Mew, Raichu
$5 surfing Pikachu

$1 Bulbasaur Venusaur Squirtle Wartortle Blastoise Charmander Charizard (left, right) Metapod Weedle Kakuna Beedril Pidgey Pidgeotto Pidgeot (some marks) Rattata Raticate Ekans Arbok Sandshrew Nidorina Nidoqueen Nidoking Clefairy Clefable Jigglypuff (normal) Wigglytuff Golbat Oddish Vileplume Parasect Venomoth Meowth
$2 singing Jigglypuff

$1 Spearow Fearow Psyduck Mankey Poliwag Alakazam Machoke Machamp Weepinbell Victreebel Geodude
Slowbro Doduo Dodrio Grimer Muk Shellder Cloyster Drowzee Hypno Krabby Voltorb Exeggcute Exeggcutor Cubone Hitmonchan Lickitung Koffing Weezing Rhyhorn Growlithe, Ponyta

$1 Chansey Kangaskhan Horsea Seadra Staryu Starmie MrMime Electabuzz Tauros Magikarp Porygon Omanyte Omastar Kabuto Kabutops Snorlax Moltres Scyther Gyarados Eevee Vaporeon Dratini Dragonite

$1 Sentret Hoothoot Ledyba Ledian Spinarak Ariados Chinchou Pichu Cleffa Igglybuff Bellossom Sudowoodo Aipom Sunkern Sunflora Yanma Wooper Quagsire Murkrow Slowking Misdreavus Unown Girafarig Pineco
$2 Meganium Totodile Croconaw Feraligatr Crobat Natu
$3 Furret Marill (clear)

$1 Gligar Snubbul (normal) Qwilfish Shuckle Wobbuffet Teddiursa Ursaring Slugma Swinub Piloswine Corsola Celebi Remoraid Octillery Delibird Phanpy Donphan (normal) Stantler Smeargle Tyrogue Hitmontop Elekid Magby Miltank Blissey Pupitar Larvitar Snubbul (clear) Sneasel Donphan (clear) Porygon2
$4 Raikou Entei

That's it! Thanks for looking C:

And a quick question - does anyone know how big the enemy team Pikachu plush are? There's the larger version and the smaller mascot version, I think? Excited to finally have some merch to represent Team Flare :D

sales, noivern, vulpix, sylveon

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