Random Plush Collection Update and Claims Reminder

Aug 28, 2016 22:07

I reorganized my Pokemon plush. I didn't quite realize I had so many!

I know it's not as big as some other collections in this community, but for me it's an indication that I should probably cut back on the random plush. XD

I really like displaying everyone together like this, though. Maxie, for one, looks much more satisfied being with the Pokemon than being with the other dolls. ^_^

And the other side of the bed, featuring a couple of my customs. (No, I do not sleep on this bed. XD )

And the Pikachu line on the headboard:

It seems like almost no collection can go without at least one Pokeball in some form!

And with the exception of Nicodemus the custom Lampent, that didn't even include my main collection of the Litwick line or my shelf full of additional Goomy plush! Here's to hoping I can resist the onslaught of new merch coming with the next gen of Pokemon games! XD I'm pretty happy with the size of the current group.

In other news, we are only one keychain away from ordering a full set from gaarasyami! If anyone would like to claim an Elesa/Emolga keychain, please go to the original post here: http://pkmncollectors.livejournal.com/21628514.html#t669200482

Thank you and happy collecting!

dedenne, reshiram, cobalion, lampent, pikachu, sylveon, lugia, raichu, charms, suicune, charmander, plush, persian, ninetails, charizard, pichu, eevee, absol

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