custom pins group buy - ALL CLAIMED!

Aug 18, 2016 10:30

Hey! A friend just showed me these on Ebay, they seem to be custom pins not based on any official ones :o so I'm organizing a group buy! Each pin will be about $2 before shipping.

I ship from Italy. I don't mind trades for Hawlucha stuff :)
I've been grandfathered sales permission since 2007 (old username: moguryuu)
link to my feedback

Available pins - ALL CLAIMED! thank you :)

- Hawlucha - CLAIMED
- Ditto - CLAIMED
- Slurpuff - samo22 PAID
- Starmie - spikeymerch PAID
- Scyther - thedaftlynx PAID
- Mr. Mime - pkmnexcavation PAID
- Medicham - thedaftlynx PAID
- Zoroark - pepperzark PAID

slurpuff, mr. mime, medicham, zoroark, custom, scyther, starmie

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