Moving - Help me get these out of my house Sales - Low prices & LOTS! :))

Aug 14, 2016 13:50

Hello lovely comm!

This is the second time I'm making this post because I accidentally deleted everything. :')))

I am moving in 10 days to Colorado (I've officially made that public! Woohoo!) and the movers & packers came in like a whirlwind, leaving some items that I meant to ship and shipping some items I didn't want to have shipped.

So now I REALLY need to get these items OUT of my house. @__@ I simply cannot pack them in my suitcases. :(
Please help me get them OUT of my house! I've made some cheap lots with things from old sales, and also things I love but simply cannot bring with me.

Stuff is open to offers, as well as if you'd like to take everything, I'll give you a GREAT deal!! <3
I really just need these items gone, and some money to help with the move! :)

I also have EXes and full arts not pictured that I will sell for CHEAP and in bulk! Let me know if interested!

WAY more items under the cut!


Sales Permission granted on 3/24/14by by
-ALL Pkmncollectors rules apply!
-Feel free to ask for a quote without committing, but commiting takes priority over asking for a quote!
-Must pay within 24 hours - unless we've made a special agreement.
-Minimum of $4 domestic and $5 intl.
-Shipping starts at $2.54 for domestic purchases - since prices have gone down! :D UNLESS you'd like to have flats (flats only) shipped in an envelope.
-Shipping for International purchases starts $9.50 to Canada and at $13 everywhere else (I shipped a small item to Germany the other day and was VERY shocked that it cost $13 to ship! :(... ) - Sorry, but the USPS has upped their prices. :(
-This is for non-flats. Flats seem to start at $2.50.
-Prices do not include shipping and pp fees.
-I send packages out once a week, - sometimes less due to school being hectic! >_<
-I do combine shipping, and I DO offer discounts on certain bulk/multiple purchases! :) <3
-I am not responsible for any lost or damaged packages once sent out! I will automatically send with first class and tracking to the US, but feel free to ask for priority and/or insurance for an additional fee.-I do accept haggling on most items, but please do not be discouraged if I pass on an offer!


English and Japanese holo and ace spec lot - $8

EX lot (with championship winning Mega Audino - expensive right now!) - $15

assorted leftover lot - $6
(Includes Gengar plush, various stickers, 2 pins, metal figures, other random figures, tattoo and metal charm)

Goodra MIP kid - $3

Various color mini models (including clear yellow, solid light orange, clear orange, dark orange)
Includes the elusive CLEFAIRY DOLL mini model. :)

Rare stickers/wrappers lot - $8

Dome stamper figures & Gacha lot - $6
(Includes kid figure, magnet, metal figure, blow up mega bracelet, stampers, mega stones, mini model etc)

JUMBO sized flats lot - $7
(Includes big sticker sheet, jumbo TCG promos, stickers, jumbo letter cards, other flats)


Coloring book flats LOT - $4

Hankerchief/notebook set - $6

Goodra/Dragon binder with ENTIRE Pokekyun set (commons/uncommons-rares but no ultra rares)

Sylveon Binder, Sinnoh glittery notepad, Sycamore/Chespin stickers - $5 each
Luxray binder - $2
Or take notepad, lux binder, stickers for $10

Sold: Sylveon binder, Luxray binder

Bag of Wapz and Tazos - $6

Rare Piano flat card lot (Includes Hawlucha box) - $8

Magazine, DVD, insert, Tretta lot - $8
Includes: magazine, exclusive SHINY Gyarados tretta, SEALED DVD, Gengar insert booklet

dedenne, breloom, sceptile, salamence, riolu, kyogre, skitty, horsea, ludicolo, delcatty, muk, alakazam, wailord, quilava, mawile, klefki, froakie, munchlax, ampharos, articuno, minun, jynx, manectric, mime jr, eevee, wobbuffet, heracross, noibat, plusle, gengar, fennekin, zapdos, moltres, pikachu, chespin, altaria, sylveon, hawlucha, luxray, arbok, bayleef, lugia, gogoat, blastoise, lucario, voltorb, charmander, audino, pancham, wigglytuff, rotom, chansey, mewtwo, charizard, gyarados, mareep

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