So, I have seen a lot of interesting items going up for sale lately and I've decided maybe this is a good time to post some of my more obscure wants!
-Tomy Heartland Mew, I'll need a payment plan or to do some trades along with. Will through money at you!
-Vulpix Clock originating in the UK also comes in Silver and I'd prefer that color but will throw trades or money at you either way!
-Music box featuring Caterpie, I have the other two (poliwhirl/squirtle and Ash/pikachu/charmander and would be totally up for a trade or partial trade
-Lapras hard plastic mini model any color
-Vulpix hard plastic mini model any color
Any help finding these would be wonderful and if you have them up for sale or trade please let me know!
Sales update! I have decided to keep my 10% discount going while I am on travel and cannot set up my lots for eBay. I added a bunch of items I hadn't gotten to post before. Mostly figures and small things that are pretty cool and different. Check it out if you're interested. ^_^
The preview is of some of the new items, click the image or
here to go to my sales page.