Today I want to ask you a few queries about a new collection I'd thought to start: Azelf! I have some perplexities, though, starting with what merch has been officially released.
Yeah, one of the downsides to collecting any of the Lake Trio is the sheer lack of major merch [or maybe that's a good thing...? The Lake Trio really do need more merch love.], but Azzie actually has a nice amount: Kids [regular pose, attack pose and a clear of the regular; not sure if there's an attack clear or not], the Megablock, the zukan [with Mesprit and Uxie - very teeny tiny!], the Banpresto plush [looks like a Pokedoll but isn't], the Canvas plush, the Jakks plush, a plush pouch [surprisingly, Azelf was the only one of the Trio to get one...], a Jakks figure, and probably lots of little items [Chou get figures, metallic figures, stamps, pan and other types of stickers, TCG cards, 2 releases of the metal charms, etc.; I think there was a MonColle figure too, but I don't remember...].
I found these sort of average to come by [plush are probably the easiest, though depending of condition, be prepared to pay a pretty penny! The Canvas is definitely worth the money though! So soft...!], but flats are very common and not too difficult to get; it's a good way to get started before moving on to bigger items. I hope this helps some and best of luck with your collection!
Hey there, so glad I wouldn't be alone in my quest :D
Thank you for your precious information! You got it right: I thought the Banpresto plush was actually a Pokedoll! :P And never heard about the pouch, thank you very much! I do hope there are Chou get and metallic figures they are pretty nice generally - and yes, there's MonCollé figure :)
I think I might really start collecting Azelf soon though, in hope to see more merch when they release the remake of DPP in the years to come. it looks more fun to my eyes now and, as you said, not to difficult to track down!
You've been of great help, thanks again and good luck to you! :)
Yeah, one of the downsides to collecting any of the Lake Trio is the sheer lack of major merch [or maybe that's a good thing...? The Lake Trio really do need more merch love.], but Azzie actually has a nice amount: Kids [regular pose, attack pose and a clear of the regular; not sure if there's an attack clear or not], the Megablock, the zukan [with Mesprit and Uxie - very teeny tiny!], the Banpresto plush [looks like a Pokedoll but isn't], the Canvas plush, the Jakks plush, a plush pouch [surprisingly, Azelf was the only one of the Trio to get one...], a Jakks figure, and probably lots of little items [Chou get figures, metallic figures, stamps, pan and other types of stickers, TCG cards, 2 releases of the metal charms, etc.; I think there was a MonColle figure too, but I don't remember...].
I found these sort of average to come by [plush are probably the easiest, though depending of condition, be prepared to pay a pretty penny! The Canvas is definitely worth the money though! So soft...!], but flats are very common and not too difficult to get; it's a good way to get started before moving on to bigger items. I hope this helps some and best of luck with your collection!
Thank you for your precious information! You got it right: I thought the Banpresto plush was actually a Pokedoll! :P And never heard about the pouch, thank you very much! I do hope there are Chou get and metallic figures they are pretty nice generally - and yes, there's MonCollé figure :)
I think I might really start collecting Azelf soon though, in hope to see more merch when they release the remake of DPP in the years to come. it looks more fun to my eyes now and, as you said, not to difficult to track down!
You've been of great help, thanks again and good luck to you! :)
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