Looking for Saurs, Polis and other Kanto items of interest!

Mar 13, 2016 17:02

Hey guys! I have a wants list which you can see here http://criticalsmash.weebly.com/wanted.html full of Saur and Poli line items with many flats, figures, and plush that I am looking to purchase or trade for.

I am also interested in purchasing any fully colored figures of Kanto Pokémon to go in a Kanto 20th anniversary display that I am currently working on.
The Kanto mons I am looking to buy are Zubat, Paras, Persian, Bellsprout, and Cubone! Mainly looking for Tomys, Kids, or like sized figures of these Pokémon. Thank you for your help!

ivysaur, cubone, politoed, zubat, poliwag, paras, venusaur, kids, bulbasaur, poliwhirl, persian, bellsprout, poliwrath, tomy

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