I'm doing a GB for the awesome buildbale tazos you see below! :)
Luckily this lot has a low BIN price so I'm going to say each one is $5 (excluding shipping and PayPal fees) so I only need four other claims before I buy the lot! The lot has been bought and almost all are claimed so price will be lower than $5!
If more of them are claimed then that will result in shipping discounts (or just cheaper claim price if claims made before sent payment!)!
I will be shipping these from UK.
I was granted sales permission August 7, 2015 by areica96
My feedback can be found
hereAll PKMNcollector rules apply!
The seller lists these as 'the best condition' but please note they're not in their packets.
Ledyba - basketbears
Ho-oh - peppermmints
Donphan -
Bulbasaur - kinokokoneko
Snubbull -
Zapdos -
Articuno - clicky797
Mew - basketbears
Lugia - silverinfinity
Raticate - raymence