Hello! A little introduction!

Feb 23, 2016 20:42

Good day everyone! My name is Acacia, but you can call me Tsuko. I’ve been a member of this community for over five years and this is my first time making a proper post! orz It’s taken me a lot of time to muster up the courage to introduce myself, as I’m pretty nervous about talking online in general, but I decided that today’s the day. I would like to finally get involved now that the 20th anniversary is right around the corner.

First, a bit about me… I’m a college student living in northeast Ohio, and I live with my mom and a few pets. More than anything else, I love MONSTERS! Pokemon has always been my #1, but I can’t help being interested in just about anything with cute, cool, and charming monsters.

I started lurking around pkmncollectors back in… 2007, maybe? The thing that got me started on wanting to collect merchandise other than the things available locally at the time was a photo of a few Pokemon Kids that I saw on an image site way back when. Specifically, I just had to have a Mothim Kid like the one in the picture! I didn’t get him from the community, but he was the reason I found this place years ago, and I consider my Mothim Kid the start of my collector life. I can’t believe it’s been such a long time already!

Anyway, onto the nitty-gritty: what I like to collect! My two top favorite Pokemon are Rampardos and Skarmory, and as such they’re my main collections! I’m also passionate about Mothim and Scolipede, although I have a bunch of other favorites too. But really, I love all Pokemon, and I love finding out different peoples’ favorites.

Aside from single-Pokemon collections, I also really like Pokemon Center promotions and things with original artwork. I’m particularly interested in those old postcards illustrated by Keiko Fukuyama; I have a number of them already and would love to eventually get every design!

I don’t have a very good camera at the moment, so I’m sorry for the quality (or lack thereof)! Here are some quick shots of the main bits of my collection. I plan to provide more pictures/information on them in the near future.

Here they are, my babies! Blurry-photo babies. Several of these items were purchased from members here. I’ll detail them next time! I hope to change up this display soon but for now it’s what I’ve got.

My postcard book, and…

An example of the postcards I was talking about! I currently have 18 different designs. I’ll show some more of them next time, too.

Thank you for looking! Happy almost-anniversary!

rampardos, skarmory, mothim, introductions, collection

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