One Year Anniversity Post+These guys celebrate Christmas all year+Gets

Jan 05, 2016 22:06

I suppose that I re-introduce myself.  Don't know why...I post once a month.  XD  I figure that I should.

I am Mouse.  I am your local seedot line/Weedle/Ralts Line collector with minor lines in ziggys, torchic, empoleon, pancham.  I was bit older than most of my fellow collectors when pokemon came out but didn't pay attention to it until a friend brought the game to work.  I played it and fell in love.  My first game:  Pokemon Silver.  I did back track and picked up Red, Yellow...then it was onward from there.  I continued to play all of the games but didn't start collecting until about year ago when I went to con.  I happened to see a little Kirlia figure and brought it.  Then I was like hmmm...I wonder if there is a Ralts plush and stuff.     I started my search online and I found a Ralts plush on Amazon (I was lucky that I didn't get booty!!!) then I was like...hmmm...I wonder if there is more Ralts stuff.  Since I was a member of LJ, I decided to search here and I found you guys!!!  Then you let me in and you help my lovely collection grow.  You are totally awesome and get a million cookies!  Now, you get to sit through my long anniversity post...lucky you!

Ralts Line-  Ralts is my first love.  Never love a pokemon (but you like weedle!  Sit down...he comes later) until this point.  Every game that feature a Ralts...I caught one.  It never left my party.

Seedot Line:  I didn't fall in love with this little guy until ORAS.  I need a grass pokemon in my party.  I thought that he was perfect until I found another.  XD  Guess what?  He didn't go anywhere.  Then he evolved into Nuzleaf.  I was oooo...he is even more awesome!  Then gave him a Leaf Stone...and he turned into a Shiftry.  I was @__@  What happened to my cute little Nuzleaf?!  But I grew to love my grumpy old man pokemon.  So, he gets to stay.

Weedle:  Now, he was a product of my own doing.  :-P  When I started making my clay minions, I was curious to see how well clay bonded together.  I thought the perfect one to try was a weedle.  So, I made a sleeping weedle.  I was like...awwwwww!   How about a weedle with a cookie?!  So, I made a weedle with a cookie.  I was awwww....!  He is so cute!  I told self that we need to collect him too.  So, I collect the weedles!!!

Empoleon:  Normally, I like only one or two step evolution...never a fan of their later evolutions expection being Ralts and Seedot line.  I was meh toward the starting pokemon in the 4th generation.  Most of the time, I pick water or grass type as my starter.  But this time, I picked water.  I was meh toward the whole thing until I reach his final evolution.  I was @__@.  He looked awesome.  He was awesome with his whole steel/water combo.  He become my king.  -hearts-  Especially love him when he went against the champion and like...your attacks are weak against him.  HA!  My boy is going to hand you your butt!

Zigzagoon Line:  Okay, I like free stuff.  Nothing wrong with that.  And if the pokemon can get you free stuff, than that was the pokemon for me.  I love his little pick up ability and his ability to nearly take on all of the HMs.  It also helped that he was so cute.  That is always a plus.

Torchic-Wow, really like Hoenn region.  There is nothing wrong with that!  XD  This is my favorite starter pokemon.  Isn't he the cutest thing ever!  I love his little face.  SO CUTE.  Although, he is a side collection.  He has so much stuff that I have to be careful.

Pancham Line-Surprise!  Not from Hoenn region pokemon!  He was adorable cute for a fighting pokemon that I couldn't help myself.  Although, I could never get him to evolute.  He was my love in X.

Pichu-I am not a fan of Pikachu. -hides behind a tree-  But Pichu...I thought that he was adorable cute and caught one in my party.  I was get to stay.

I find my Pika (His name is PinPin)...I also brought a clear Kirlia figure and weedle stamper from Y!J.  His little stamp cracks me up.  Poor little weedle is having a bad day.

Ziggy is actually quite heavy and much harder than he looks to make.  @__@  While he wasn't my best, I still think that he kind of cute.  When I make another one, I think I am going to try with lightweight clay.

They are cute.  XD I had experience with the Diglett.  So, they weren't very hard to do.  XD  SO CUTE!  The end!  I think that next month, I am going to make a Rayquaza.  Maybe, a little Litwick eating a cookie/berry.  No clue on the second one.  It should be fun.

Until next month!  XD

I have wants.  So, do check it out if you have any!

My sales is back check it out!

empoleon, ralts, seedot, weedle

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