Hello all! I happened to get some Pokémon merchandise this weekend as it was my birthday. Additionally my partner is giving me a present each day through Christmas so there will be more updates!
I received a Next Destinies Booster Box and although I only got 3 EX cards total, I did manage to capture a SHINY Zoroark card! You can check it out below as well as the other items.
Jumbo Snorlax (US PC)
Greninja Pokédoll (US PC)
Next Destinies Booster Box
Christmas 2015 Snow Pikachu Blanket (JP PC)
Christmas 2015 Collectible Plate (JP PC)
Textured Full Art Zekrom EX
Zekrom EX
Kyurem Ex
Shiny Zoroark
Click on the photo to see it full size.
Visit this link if you are interested in seeing the presents individually!