Long Over-Due Gets Post!

Dec 12, 2015 18:12

I've been meaning to do a gets post for a while now however due to real life things (such as painting my room and pretty much helping to put the house back together) I haven't had time to take pictures until now. These gets range from late October until yesterday (I meant to post this yesterday but I fell asleep). Anyways let's get to the awesome gets!

I'm gonna kick off this post with not one but two Meowth mirage plush!

Alright, the first one (with orange and tiny mouth) I bought from the user ferix8. The whiskers seem to have some sort of wire in it making them being able to be posed the tail also shares this characteristic. He is such a cute, thank you for selling him ti me ferix8! The other one may look like the old TOMY Meowth plush but he has a suction cup as well as some other small differences. I found that one on ebay, he is also pretty cute!

Alright, next up is a huge Meowth lot that I bought from wobbuwhit. Oh my goodness this was such a Meowth overload and I love it! Plushies, figures, straps, and even a huge dice (I didn't know it was gonna be that big)! There was some extras that were thrown in <3

I know it's kinda hard to see everything (and I even forgot one item, it was a Meowth in a shape of a ball). Thank you so much wobbuwhit for all the Meowth goodness <3

Here are some plushies I got from skdarkdragon. I also received some items from that butt promotion (pouch, charms+ clearfile) but sadly I couldn't find them when I took this picture but they are here safe and sound.

Some patches made by flag. They are so pretty! (I really love Porygon's trozei sprite)

I also have here is my stamps I won from that Stamp GA. Oh my goodness that was such a competitive GA but I'm very happy we won so that I could get these lovely stamps!

Oh and probably the coolest stamp is that Meowth on with a Pokeball on top. I didn't get any competition for it but I'm really happy that I won it. You that Pokeball on top? Well when the stamp is pressed down it opens to reveal a Meowth inside. That was such a cool surprise when I first got the stamps, I honestly didn't know it would do that.

Alrighty to try and reduce the amount of pictures in this post I decided to gather a bunch in one picture:

The Stantler ornament and the Ghost figures are from poliwhirl. The Banette on a spinning top is from zigguppafu. The minicots are from a GA that blupanther hosted. Bunnelby and Klefki are from spritzzie. Finally the shiny Plusle and Minun kids are from schenzi.

Finally let's end on these guys from xxlatiosxx, who seemed to include some extra goodies (thanks <3). I received them yesterday so they are a last addition to this post.

Now I know I probably forgot some gets but I have received evrything so even if you don't see it I have it. I'm gonna try to leave feedback to everyone as soon as I can. I sincerely want to apologize for not leaving feedback sooner but as I said at the start of the post I've been super busy with real life ;-;

venonat, porygon-z, banette, bunnelby, gengar, plusle, mirage, venomoth, skitty, meowth, pikachu, pumpkaboo, litwick, stantler, phanpy, azumarill, jumpluff, cofagrigus, porygon2, skiploom, klefki, porygon, minun, clefable, gets, hoppip

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