Reminder for XY+Z metal figures!

Dec 11, 2015 17:38

Hello there guys!
Just wanted to let you know that I am still taking pre-orders on these metal figures:

There is a lack of Pikachu, Frogadier, Quilladin, Zygarde 100% and Ash's Greninja love! So I am not sure yet whether I can order these or not, because these guys aren't claimed that much sadly.

Please CLICK HERE or the picture to go to the claims post, thank you so much! <3

Also, just a notice should somebody not have gotten a message:

These have been sent out, so they should be here by either Tuesday or Wednesday next week!
Also, if anybody else is interested, there is 1x Eevee, 1x Zygarde blob, 1x Pancham and 3x Wobbuffet that have no claims! So get yours still while they are available!

wobbuffet, noibat, quilladin, zygarde, meowth, sales, pikachu, pancham, greninja, frogadier, braixen, eevee

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