New sleepy Pokemon plush??? and some wants! :)

Nov 22, 2015 13:00

While I was eBay earlier I stumbled across a new pre-order listing for these plushes

I assume these are a new release, but if not does anyone have any information of them? Just look at the Ditto! :3 Also it's been a while since I've posted a wants post! XD I've finally narrowed my grails down to two items per Pokemon I collect.

For Absol, I'm looking for the pokedoll badge and this stunning movie poster that was released for the Jirachi movie

For Articuno I'm searching for the ice island playset and this ceramic coin bank

And finally for my Swablu/Altaria collection, I'm looking for the plush cube in the middle and the clear Swablu kid figure

If you have any of my wants please let me know! ^-^ And finally, to make this post a bit more interesting, I have a quick question! :) If you were given the opportunity to design your own line of Pokemon merch, what would you make??? I think a range of pre-evolution Pokemon plushes wearing hoodies of their evolutions/mega evolutions would be adorable! :3 I've seen a lot of great custom plush makers making plush like this and they are awesome! ^-^

wants, swablu, articuno, absol

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