Happy Halloween from my Pokedolls! + bonus Grail Get!

Oct 31, 2015 16:59

Hey everyone! If any of you follow me on Twitter you've had a sneak peak already. Basically, I hurt myself at work and can't walk very far without being in crippling pain, so cannot go out for halloween. So me and my boyfriend decided we'd make costumes for our Pokedolls instead! (I made all of them, but he contributed by making tea which is VERY important if not the MOST important part (´ω`) ) Here we go!

I dressed up Ducklett as a little witch, and Entei as a black cat! Obviously, Entei is mine and Ducklett is my boyfriends.

I had a little chocolate pumpkin laying around so added it in!

He actually climbed the tree the absolute madman!!!!!!

I have never made a hat before in my life, but I am very pleased with how Ducklett's came out! It took a lot of maths!

Entei's was a bit easier. It only consisted of one elastic band (and a pipe cleaner tail) with all the bits sewn on. Very easy to take off and on.

I love this photo!

Entei with a paw on the pumpkin!

Here is the photo my boyfriend took! He has never used a fancy camera before, I think he did really well!

I hope you enjoyed these photos! Has anyone else dressed up a plush for Halloween? Or taken a Halloween pic with them? I would love to see it!

Also, a bonus grail get~ !


As you can see, she is a bit scuffed but that will be very easy to fix. I have wanted this figure for a few years now, and I'm so glad to have one!

I can't believe how small it is. Smaller than both my Entei and Mightyena TFGs. I got it for a few dollars though! I probably would of been disappointed if I paid higher than that.

I'm still so glad to have it! I don't have a lot else to say. I have got a few other things that I will show in a big post when everything comes! ^-^ Happy Halloween!

ducklett, entei, venusaur

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