Hi, Everyone!
This is the one and only reminder for my Hiroshimi Magikarp/Gyarados Pikachu Make Believe Box Group Buy. I will be taking claims until Wednesday, July 8th at 11:59pm EST. Click the image above to go to the claims post.
And, since I'm posting, I was wondering if anyone has any French Double Crisis cards for trade/sale? I'm looking for Walrein to complete my set and reverse holos of Poochyena and Mightyena.
And I'm looking for these cards in English -
Espeon - Aquapolis - 11/147 - Reverse Holo
Espeon EX - EX Unseen Forces - 102/115
Espeon Star - POP Series 5 - 16/17 - this card is probably too expensive for me to afford
Flareon - Legendary Collection - 10/110 - Holographic
Flareon - POP Series 3 - 2/17 - Non-holo
Flareon EX - EX Delta Species - 108/115
Glaceon Lvl X - Majestic Dawn - 98/100
Jolteon - Legendary Collection - 14/110 - Reverse Holo
Jolteon - POP Series 3 - 3/17 - Non-holo
Umbreon - Aquapolis - 41/147 (and/or H29/H32) - Reverse Holo
Umbreon - Skyridge - H30/H32 - Holographic
Umbreon EX - EX Unseen Forces - 112/115
Umbreon Star - POP Series 5 - 17/17 - this card is probably too expensive for me to afford
Vaporeon EX - EX Delta Species - 110/113
Arcanine - Skyridge - H2/H32 - Holographic
Arcanine - HGSS 1/123 Non-Holo Alternate Print from Ember Spark Theme Deck
Ninetales - Aquapolis - H19/H32 - Holographic
And possibly - Ninetales - HGSS 7/123 Cracked Ice Holo from Blister Packs - I'm not sure if they all have the Undaunted symbol error
I'd also be interested in seeing any non-English cards of Houndour, Houndoom, Mew, the Eeveelutions, Vulpix, Ninetales, Meowth, Persian, Growlithe, Arcanine, and pretty much any other canine or feline Pokemon if anyone has some for trade/sale.
Or Topps cards (any series/language, especially if you're interested in trading them. ^^
And, I'm always looking for any Houndom/Houndour items I don't already have. ^^
~ Risha