Gets and things to trade!

Jun 09, 2015 23:29

It's been a while since I've done a gets post because I only get UK sellers to send stuff to my uni address, but I've just received a few items, a lot of which I'm putting up for trade! :)

So first up are my new applause plush! :) Really glad I ordered another 14 they're so cool and tiny! :3 I also found some lenticular cards in a lot, among which I found an Absol! :D

I didn't expect them to be as big as they are so really happy about that! :) I also got some others which I don't plan to keep, so I'm putting them up for trade! :) I live in the UK and am looking for Absol and Articuno flats or Suicune/Swablu/Altaria figures or non-flats! :) Or if you have nothing to trade then let me know which ones you're interested in and I'll sell them to you when I get sales permission (which will hopefully be soon! XD) though trades will have priority! :) Here are the others! :)

Mega Absol is for size reference! :) All flats alternate between evolutions or if a non-evolving Pokemon (or one in bottom row of second figure) it just gets bigger and smaller like the Absol one.

This is my first trade post so please let me know if I forgot to include anything haha! XD Also if anyone has any information about what the flats actually are that would be great too! :) Thanks! :)

trading, dodrio, wurmple, natu, latios, kyogre, medicham, whismur, brock, tentacruel, cradily, kingdra, vulpix, crobat, castform, weezing, duskull, sableye, voltorb, aggron, gets, lotad, beautifly, milotic, girafarig, mudkip, ninjask, absol

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