Updated Sales Post

May 04, 2015 12:36

I have a bunch of NIP tomys, loose tomys and still have some kids! + tcg.
sales post can be found here: c lickyyyyyyyyyy


I have almost everything you see in the pics on my ebay:


Figured it'd make things easier for prices. However here in the community things will be cheaper (no 10% fee) so just let me know in a comment what you are interested in and I will give you a quote :) + haggling is okay !

-Sales permission granted by: Rachel (entirelycliched) on Sept 19, 2014
- You can check my feedback: click
-All community rules apply.
-I ship from Miami, FL..
- Shipping prices start at $2.50 for US orders. For international prices start at $4.00.
- I am not responsible for any lost packages.
- Haggling is okay but be reasonable.
- Let me know who you are and what you bought when you send payment (under notes)

slowbro, dewgong, mew, bellsprout, muk, slugma, shaymin, tentacool, dratini, psyduck, zubat, uxie, sunkern, omastar, espeon, poliwhirl, marill, quagsire, spinarak, hariyama, delibird, lanturn, wynaut, golbat, archeops, zapdos, nidoking, gabite, vileplume, stantler, smeargle, smoochum, tomy, electrode, corphish, deoxys, ditto, houndour, zangoose, kricketune, rattata, kabuto, tangela, electabuzz, doduo, parasect, meditite, arcanine, horsea, koffing, qwilfish, clefairy, phanpy, azumarill, rhydon, nidoran, politoed, machoke, sandshrew, metapod, ampharos, tauros, articuno, snubbull, tepig, golduck, remoraid, eevee, venonat, ekans, wailmer, scyther, gengar, togetic, sunflora, pelipper, xatu, budew, spearow, yanma, lickilicky, rhyhorn, ariados, absol, prinplup, tcg, tyrogue, thundurus, garchomp, cyndaquil, torchic, omanyte, poliwrath, noctowl, graveler, azelf, donphan, seadra, beautifly, goldeen, houndoom, misdreavus, seel, vaporeon, latios, jolteon, swellow, cleffa, pikachu, croconaw, yanmega, ambipom, taillow, crobat, drowzee, skiploom, magcargo, grimer, machamp, steelix, mewtwo, ninjask, gloom, flaaffy, hippopotas, paras, nidoqueen, magmortar, kyogre, corsola, slowpoke, growlithe, whismur, torterra, tentacruel, leafeon, kabutops, kingdra, aerodactyl, poliwag, munchlax, cloyster, gastly, poochyena, chinchou, marowak, heracross, slowking, magikarp, zoroark, fearow, mankey, venomoth, meowth, squirtle, clamperl, moltres, sandslash, shellder, machop, arbok, weezing, raichu, pokemon, seaking, voltorb, aggron, roselia, chansey, latias, magby, hoppip, octillery, golem, staraptor, mareep

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