SSS get! Along with an overdue update!

May 02, 2015 20:50

Good morning, afternoon, or evening to evereyone! I just wanted to do an update on my SSS and customs gets. ^ w ^ Here's a little teaser of some stuff~! Warning! post might be a little long since I haven't updated in a while. So tons of pictures!

I should probably do a small introduction since I hardly post, and we have some new members I need to introduce myself to!
Hello everyone! My name is Clair2522. My real name is Clarissa, but you can call me Claire or whatever feels right to you. I've been a member for about three years now, and I'm pretty sure I passed my anniversary. The pokemon I collect are: Wigglytuff, Skuntank, Woobat, Swoobat, and Poliwhirl. I collect some other pokemon too but that is a long list to go through Cx.

Let's start with my SSS gift! To help me is cuties Marvelous (Shiny Wurmple) and Steven (Skuntank). I tried doing a photostory ^^;;

Marvelous: Hey Steven looks like mom got a present!
Steven: Awesome! I'll open it since I know cut.

Steven: Do you see anything?
Marvelous: *rustles* I think so? I see something white here. I'll keep searching.

Steven: Wheeeeee! I belive I can fly~!
Marvelous: Steven keep pulling please! I think we're almost there!

Marvelous: Do you see anything Steven?
Steven: *crawls* I think so!

Steven: I found a tag!
Me: Ummm I'm not so sure, keep pulling.
Steven: Ok~!

Steven:Waahhhhh! You were right mom! We have a new friend!
Marvelous: Awww, I wanna see!

Ahhhhh! Look how cute this petit Slurpuff is! I've been wanting this little guy for awhile but I've been putting it off. Not quite sure what to name it yet. :3 Any ideas anyone?

Marvelous: Hey mom there's something else in here.
Steven: Oooh, I wanna see!

Steven:This is kind of big. Do you think we can get it out?
Marvelous: I'm not sure, but we're a team and I'll give you a helping hand.

Steven: Ta-dah~!
Marvelous: How cute! Mom is going to be really happy!
Yes you are right Marvelous ; A ;

Since the Goomy promotion came out I fell in love with the bag. I love promotions to where pokemon interact with each other. Just so darn cute! I'm not sure if the person planned this out, but let's see if anyone can guess what I'm talking about.

See it now? Ahhh! This is one of my favorite drawings on the bag besides Goomy with Gulpin. I found it so adorable to see Goomy trying to eat Slurpuff xD charizard Is my SSS and I wanted to say thank yooouuuuu! You made this year really fun! I'm really debating to ether put Slurpuff on my bag so I can take it everywhere with me <3

Well, now that my little SSS segment is sadly over, now it is time to get to the customs and other gets.

I recently got these cute items from the wonderful person chocolate_chip
I love the petit plush line! I'm really happy pokemon who aren't popular are getting some love. The Diglett plush was so cute I had to get one. The Little Tales promotion was really cute. The art work is adorable and I would lvoe to get the towels one of these days, but a lot of cute things keep coming out. xD Anyone feel my pain?

Next up is the sprukits.
I had so much fun building these! I made the Chespin with my little brother, and with Pikachu and yveltal I had help with my boyfriend.
Everytime I see pikachu I can't help but laugh Cx I placed all the stickers in place and I left the room for a minute. I come back to see my boyfriend messing with the stickers and kind of messed up Pikachu's nose. Pikachu's nose is a little off but memories were made. Regardless these are tons of fun if you love puzzles or building things.

I haven't seen any posts about these cups yet, but I went into Hot Topic the other day, randomly came upon this, and had to get it! It's really nice, sturdy, and worth the money. I'm not sure if it is all the cups or just some, but this handle is on the left side. Assuming this cup I chose is meant for left handed people. I'm a lefty but I'm mostly right hand dominante so I feel a bit weird drinking with my left hand.

Back in October I went to my local convention and these were my pokemon gets! Pretty much all of this was made by Tori Kat. She's a wonderful artist! The Jolteon bag holds alot of my things, and the coin bags are perfect for coins, but i mostly use them to hold my ds games. The two big Sylveon and Vaporeon bags are really lovely in real life. My camera doesn't give it justice, and my blanket was uneven so the faces look a bit weird in the picture. I couldn't decide on what to get, and the Sylveon bag was the last one. So my boyfriend decided to get them both for me ; w ; b They're so pretty that I really don't want to use them and just have them mostly for display. I will note though that Tori Kat does not have an online store. If you want anything from her you will have to contact her through her tumblr, deviant art, or by email.

I also commissioned Tori Kat to make my boyfriend and I matching charms! Super sturdy and so far no scratches!

I got these cuties made from yardsalecouch. These are made form a specific material and they have a unique feel to them. They also made me a very cute Skuntank charm ^ w ^

Oh oh oh! Though I've been wanting to show this off for a very long time now!

Eeeeeeeek! Thisi s my first custom plush! After seeing opossumpanda's pancham,and joy_dust's Togetic I felt the need to commission from Missjennycrochet! She is really sweet, and willwork hard for you, but if there is anything specific you want tell her ahead of time. If not she will let you know that yourorder is up next and will go on to making it. Other than that I would so buy from her!
I love this little guy very much. His little paws and tail are so fun to play with. <3

On Sunday I went to my local trade center and found a small booth selling anime goods. To my surprise I found this!

Does anyone know what promotion it came from? I'm assuming it is real since it has the Pokemon Center logo on it. I think this tin is very cute, but I might sell it x: Maybe if I get enough interest.

I love this custom! This was created by the talented pikabulbchu ( forgive me ; w ; I forgot how to spell your name)
I love it when artist's get really creative! You give someone a few specific ideas then bam! They get creative and give you something awesome. I know another artist who's like that B) and that is heroponriki.

I love this person so much T A T These are just too cute for words! You definitely need to get a commission from them!
I mentioned to them I wanted my Skuntank OC drawn, a Wigglytuff with an Electrode in a flower field, and I mentioned to them I was shiny hunting and look what htye did! I really love the details. If you noticed in the background there's little itty bitty wurmple's in the grass! Ahhh so cuteeee!!!!

peppermints drew these little babies for me. The thank you card is adorbs, and I love the way she did theshading. The cute little Pika drawing was done by tsutarjafan_18. I love users who draw on their packages. <3 I cut and save them and try to display them all. If not they go into my flat binder. It always brightens up my day when I get my package and find a little drawing on them.

I don't usually get eeveelution merch, but I pick up some items from them that look cute. luckymissclover made these little babies. I didn't want to seperate the two so I decided to buy both. I love the material they are made out of. Better than minky in my opinion cx

The walky skuntank was my second custom plush I got. C: vulpes_canis made all of these. She hands sews everything and all the little details are so interesting. If you don't have a plush made by her you should. She created for me a walky skuntank, shiny simplified starly, and a shiny wurmple with a little bowtie! She's very sweet and will work with you on any little request ^ w ^ /
Oh! I also commissioned her to draw me this!

Beautiful! I'm so going to get another from her soon.

I don't remember from if i showed this in my last post, but I bought this awhile ago from poliwhirl's sales some time ago. I love this cute style! I would love to get another custom in the disney black and white style.

I bought this from Dawn of the Thread store on Etsy. I should of shown the details of the tail. I think it has to be my favorite part about the plush besides the cute roundness.

Darn camera, these are amazing in real life, but cannot be captured as much when I have to make my pictures bigger. Anywho, the waving skuntank charm was made by yardsalecouch, and the plush plush tag and charm were made by none other than hawlucha! When they made the tag I thought they drew skuntank so cute that I had to get a charm! If you ever need tags for your plush go to them! I would to get a pokedoll tag from them when I get a custom pokedoll.

This is my biggest custom so far. I.Love.Him.
He's so big and cuddly!!!!! Thank you pkmnexcavation! If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have known about cosmiccritter C:
This guy is a little bit bigger than a ruler. I tried using a Chesnaught kid as a reference but I don't think it was a good reference.I love him as a cuddly buddy, but having cats I have to put him up so I won't get cat hair all over him. v w v

Besides plush, buttons, and figures another thing that I love is bookmarks! They help me a lot when I read my text books since I keep jumping sentences. As you can tella good portion of them are made by agui_chan xD More shall be coming from her as we speak~.

Thank you for reading this far. I have one last thing to show off.

; w ;

T o T

I CANNOT HANDLE ALL OF THIS CUTENESS!!!! He's so tiny, his head tilts a little bit, and did I mention he's tiny?!
If it wasn't for latias_latios_7 I wouldn't have found the Etsy person to make Steven! YesSteven from earlier. I think it is very special that the person who made this gives them personality ^ w ^ I really for sure plan on asking him to make all of my favorite pokemons. I love to put both Steven and Marvelous on my laptop when I get online. Just wonderful desk buddies.

That's all folks! I want to thank you so much for reading this. I want to applaud all the people who do posts with lots of photos and photo stories. This took me about four hours to do, and was ready to give up half way xD
Anyways, thank you and have a wonderful day!

vaporeon, jolteon, slurpuff, wigglytuff, skuntank, sss, custom, goomy, flareon, electrode, sylveon

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