Help-me-get-to-Japan Sales 4.0 - More stuff added! :3

Apr 17, 2015 11:20

EDIT: I'll be gone and busy for most of the weekend and Monday but I will do my best to respond when I can so feel free to ask questions and comment! :D

Happy Friday Comm-friends! ^__~
(Also happens to be my boyfriend's birthday!)

First off, the first batch of packages has been sent and it seems that almost all domestic packages have reached their destinations! :D

I will be shipping most of the next batch next week! (If I haven't contacted you in the post you purchased from, then this pertains to you! ^__~)
Thanks for everyone's patience with me, the semester is getting really hard and there's little time to do almost anything. >_<

So I thought I was totally done with sales for a little bit, however, I found a lot more stuff, both figures, and flats which have been added to the below links! :D
These include Tomys, special Tomys, keychains, stamps, stampers, a poster, sealed promos, stickers, more lenticular cards, lamin cards and ohsomuchmore!

Again I thank you all for purchasing items from me or commenting with a supportive comment! It really means the world! :') <3

All the new stuff will be at the top of the post! <3

Preview and links! ^_^
Click ANY of the pictures to be transported!
(Click non-flat pictures for non-flat posts and flats pictures for flats posts! :D)

New figures/more:

Old non-flats preview, tons of stuff still available! <3

New flats preview:

Old flats, still PLENTY of stuff! :D

Also, I still have non-pokemon sales here:

charmeleon, tcg, genesect, grumpig, togepi, skitty, magneton, torkoal, mew, oddish, delcatty, shaymin, celebi, spritzee, psyduck, regirock, donphan, jigglypuff, kyurem, buizel, beldum, houndoom, seel, vaporeon, giratina, entei, raikou, hoothoot, litleo, fennekin, cleffa, swellow, nidoking, pikachu, bellossom, stantler, tomy, lapras, sylveon, luxray, staryu, deoxys, drowzee, eeveelutions, hypno, groudon, pidove, clefable, machamp, mewtwo, charizard, ninjask, pichu, blaziken, ivysaur, yveltal, kyogre, bandai, pokedoll, zorua, quilava, politoed, snorlax, cloyster, magnemite, ampharos, articuno, gastly, snubbull, marowak, eevee, wobbuffet, heracross, noibat, jakks, diglett, zoroark, meowth, moltres, empoleon, pelipper, xerneas, arbok, raichu, venusaur, aipom, masquerain, bulbasaur, amaura, yanma, chansey, dragonite, swirlix, gyarados

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