On Monday my friend came home from Ohayocon and brought me a huge, amazing, unexpected get for half of what I would have needed to pay online for it! And with it my Pumpkins are complete! Also included will be a collection update of my pumpkin patch!
All of the little pumpkins got together, Mommy Shinami said they had a new sibling coming! Who could it be?
Bubba doesn't seem to know but Momma Gourgeist says he'll be here soon! She says he's big, even bigger than them! Is that even possible?
Ooof, and he has landed! ...All over his new siblings! They can't tell if Momma has fainted or is hiding her laughter.
And now my happy pumpkin plush family is complete at last! My latest and greatest pumpkin is the DX Banpresto, and no it isn't the same as the We Are Team Rocket plush next to him, as you can see by his sheer size! I was so excited when my friend sent me a pic asking me if I had this Pumpkaboo and I saw the blue UFO hand tag. Best part was that she paid only $25 for him when online I can only find it for $47. @u@
Time for a collection shot!
My collection isn't as impressive as most pumpkin collectors as I'm missing quite a lot, but it's coming together quite nicely! Second shot is for up close for the small things, and I also collect TCG even if I haven't focused yet on getting all the pumpkin cards. I normally don't like the Japanese TCG but with the pumpkins I aim to have them in both languages and in regular, reverse, and holo if available!
Now to go through the process of listing and thanking people for the items! :'D This is also for the sake of any other pumpkin collectors if they're wondering what and item is/where I got it, and feel free to ask any questions you'd like!
We Are Team Rocket Banpresto and Spooky Party Petit (Asakura-Japan), DX Banpresto (Ohayocon vendor), Gourgeist and regular Pumpkaboo (Pokemoncenter.com), Pumpkaboo MPCs (Y!J)
Spooky Party Charms (Asakura-Japan), Metal Charms (Pokemoncenter.com), Spooky Party Clearfile (
kyra_midnight), Kid Figure+box+sticker and Gourgeist Rubber Strap + box (PokeVault), custom square strap and button pins (
ktmonkeyj), custom bookmark (
slothyshroom), shiny Pumpkaboo strap (
herar), Pumpkaboo Rubber Strap (
caddieneko), MIP We Are Team Rocket Figure (
Poke_Zula), out of package We Are Team Rocket Figure (Y!J)
Pan Sticker (Pokemon Panya), Trozei Stickers (
dezi_kitsune), Gourgeist sticker (
remderosier), glittery stickers (
And not to forget, the Japanese TCG are from
stephysanrio and the Gourgeist holo from
artikgato since I STILL haven't pulled her myself.
This was mostly to thank everyone for selling to me and helping me build up my collection! I still have so much to get, with my next top item being the LED lamp, and slowly I will get there since I have to budget. I hope to continue building my collection with all of you guys!
A full collection update will hopefully happen this weekend. I still have a few dozen Kids to clean and shelves to organize. Thanks for reading! :D
(In a silly thing I noticed while making this post, the Gourgeist tag is spelled incorrectly? XD)