Giant flats sales!

Feb 03, 2015 14:01

Hello there!
Today, I would like to come to you with another bunch of flats sales! I have received this gorgeous calendar, from which I only am keeping my favs!

This calendar includes some lovely XY Pokemon, Mega Evolutions and some others! Each calendar page is a sticker, and they are really big! Around 15x10cm big!

- Please provide your country so I can determine the shipping cost.
- When sending the money to me, please include in the Paypal note what you are buying and your LJ username.
- I am not responsible for lost or damaged items in the mail, but I will do my best to pack them carefully. I always use newly bought bubble mailers!
- I accept Paypal only. No echecks please.
- Once you know the final price, it must be sent to my Paypal within 24 hours.
- I do ship internationally.
- I ship from the Slovak Republic, always by First class/Priority. You can ask me for Registered mail as well. I normally ship as fast as I can. When I ship items out, I always write a message and leave feedback as well!
- This sales post is HUGE, that's why I ask you to be patient please when it comes to shipping! It might take me from a few days to 3 weeks to ship your items out!
- If it might happen that a package gets returned to me, I will let you know and you have to pay me half the payment for shipping again. This means no backing out on the item/s, just because it got returned to me.
- Shipping will depend from the country you are from.
- I come from a smoke-free environment. I do have a dog at home, but he never touches my things, because they simply do not interest him.
- I can hold something for you for the next 24 hours, but if you do not respond to me after that, I will put it back on sale.
- Backing out of a sale means you will get negative feedback!!
- Please no haggling at this time. If you think my prices are too high, do tell me please. I always try to sell or auction items off for a reasonable price.
- I have the right to refuse anyone, if I have a reason for it (such as negative feedback).- I have gotten sales permission by dakajojo in the beginning of March 2011 and my feedback can be found here and also here!

Big calendar pages! Each is 4$, except Manectric is 5$ and Absol is 6$!
SOLD: Absol

Big calendar pages! Each is 4$, except Hawlucha and Meowstics are 6$ each!
SOLD: Mawile

Big calendar pages! Each is 4$, except Tyrantrum is 5$ and Garvevoir is 6$!

Big calendar pages! Each is 4$, except Heliosk is 5$!

Big calendar pages! Each is 4$!

Big calendar pages! Each is 4$, except dactyl is 5$!

Big calendar pages! Each is 4$, except Goodra is 6$!

Big calendar pages! Each is 4$!

Big calendar pages! Each is 4$!

Big calendar pages! Each is 4$, except Noivern is 5$!

Big calendar pages! Each is 4$, except Lucario, Banette and Houndoom are 5$ each!

Big calendar pages! Each is 4$, except Diancie and Aggron are 5$ each!
SOLD: Diancie

Big calendar pages! Each is 4$, except Garchomp is 5$!

Sylveon movie mini clearfile, NOTICE!!! This is from both sides! 6$, I have multiples!

Genesect movie mini clearfiles, left is one side, right is the other! - 5$ each

Diancie movie mini clearfiles (two clearfiles, left is one side, right is the other side) - 5$ each SOLD!

Latis mini clearfile - 10$

Pokemon XY puzzle pieces! Each is 3$, except Pumpkaboo, Noivern and Espurr line are 4$ each and Sylveon is 5$!
Not available: Aegislash, Froakie
SOLD: Hawlucha, Dedenne, Sylveon, Phantump, Bunnelby, Jirachi, Chimecho, Diancie, Espurr, both Meowstic, Xerneas, Pumpkaboo, Fletchling, Fletchinder, Ash & Co, Pancham

Super adorable A4 sized Pikachu clearfiles! Each is 8$!

Original 151 Pokemon A4 sized clearfile! 9$!

Adorable tiny card folder! 5$!

Pikachu tretta - 1$
Diacie movie dog tag (2x) - each is 4$! SOLD!

Adorable mini clearfile! 7$!

Meitetsu raffle stickers! These are really HUGE stickers! Each is 5$, and I have 2x of the Klefki one!
SOLD: Diancie one, Xerneas

Diancie movie BIG sticker sheet - 6$

Diancie movie BIG sticker sheet 2 - 6$ (I have four I believe)

UNO cards (I have doubles!) - 3$ each
SOLD: 2x Mawile

UNO cards (I have doubles, except for Sylveon) - 3$ each, except Sylveon is 5$
Hold: Sylveon, 2x Hawlucha, 1x Furfrou

UNO cards (I have doubles of all, except MegaMewtwo Y only one and Xerneas/Yveltal one 3 I believe) - 3$ each
Hold: 1x Pangoro

UNO cards (I have doubles of all except Pikachu and Wobbuffet/Meowth/Inkay) - 3$ each
Hold: 1x Pancham

UNO cards (I have doubles of all, except MegaMewtwo X) - 3$ each

UNO cards (I have doubles of all, except Eevee) - 3$ each
SOLD: Eevee

UNO card (I have like 5 of these) - 3$ each

XY pan stickers - each is 2.50$
SOLD: Mega Mawile

XY pan stickers - each is 2.50$
SOLD: Diancie

XY pan stickers - 2$ each

XY pan stickers - 1.50$ each

Amada stickers, I have multiples of some, so please ask! - 3$ each
SOLD: Eevee, Jolteon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Ninetales

Amada stickers, I have multiples of some, so please ask! - 2.50$ each

Amada stickers, I have multiples of some, so please ask! - 2$ each

Amada stickers, I have multiples of some, so please ask! - 2$ each

Amada stickers, I have multiples of some, so please ask! - 1.50$ each

Amada stickers, I have multiples of some, so please ask! - 1.50$ each

Amada stickers, I have multiples of some, so please ask! - 1$ each

Amada stickers, I have multiples of some, so please ask! - 1$ each

Amada stickers, I have multiples of some, so please ask! - 1$ each

Amada stickers, I have multiples of some, so please ask! - 1$ each

Pokemon BW Megmilk stickers! Each is 2$!
SOLD: Gothitelle, Swanna

XY Karuta cards! Each is 5$!
SOLD: Absol, Serena, Meowstics, Goomy, Aromatisse

XY Karuta cards! Each is 5$!
SOLD: Mawile
HOLD: Pancham

XY Karuta cards! Each is 5$!

XY Karuta cards! Each is 5$!
GONE: Furfrou

XY Karuta cards! Each is 5$, except Pikachu is 3$!
SOLD: Hawlucha, Bonnie

XY Karuta cards! Each is 3$!
SOLD: Hawlucha

XY Karuta cards! Each is 3$!
SOLD: Furfrou, Aromatisse
HOLD: Pancham

XY Karuta cards! Each is 3$!

XY Karuta cards! Each is 3$!
SOLD: Gardevoir

XY Karuta cards! Each is 3$!

Lopunny & Whimsicott card sleeves - 1$ each

Darkrai sticker is 2$, Shaymin sticker sheet it 1$!

That is all, thank you for looking!

banette, eeveelution, salamence, meowstic, garchomp, shaymin, chesnaught, lopunny, spritzee, mawile, froakie, deerling, espeon, greninja, houndoom, vaporeon, heliolisk, bunnelby, jolteon, litleo, scizor, fennekin, pikachu, chespin, sylveon, hawlucha, glaceon, tyrantrum, lucario, eeveelutions, mewtwo, charizard, delphox, dedenne, yveltal, helioptile, pansage, leafeon, jirachi, snorlax, klefki, ampharos, sales, manectric, flareon, whimsicott, eevee, oshawott, noibat, darkrai, kangaskhan, meowth, fletchinder, gardevoir, goomy, tyrunt, xerneas, quilladin, venusaur, pangoro, blastoise, aggron, carbink, amaura, noivern, goodra, pancham, gyarados, umbreon, swirlix, diancie, manaphy, absol

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