Happy New Year, everyone! I just came back from a trip to Costa Rica so I apologize to people who were waiting for replies/feedback.
Anyways, it was my 1-year anniversary on this community a couple of weeks ago! My collection has grown so much, so I figured I would do a complete collection update! (I apologize in advance for the crappy 3DS-quality pics.)
This was my collection when I joined a year ago. Before:
RAINBOW~! Here they all are in their they-have-way-too-little-space glory! Hm, my collection seems to have at least quadrupled in size... And this is just most of my collection. The big plush and figures are in other parts of the room...
Breaking it down:
Pokedolls! Just missing the most elusive one, vaporeon.
Fun fact: This eevee pokedoll was the very first plush in my collection, which I bought in Disney World Epcot in 2012!
Mini pokedolls! A complete set, yay!
Pokecen standing plush, complete set!
Pokecen sitting pose plush, complete set!
Tomy sitting plush, complete set!
I Love Eevee keychain plush, complete set!
I Love Eevee regular plush, just missing eevee!
Corotto Manmaru chibi plush, just missing eevee (again)!
Complete set of mpc plush!
Trump card-theme plush! Just missing espeon.
Slowly getting there with the canvas plush! Just need vaporeon, jolteon, flareon, and the 2009 eevee.
I Love Eevee DX and Super DX plush! I don't have anywhere else to put them so they stay in my bookshelf. *Sigh* I have no idea where to put the leafeon and glaceon DX plush once I get them...
(And just in case anyone was wondering, I don't plan to get the ILE DX Eevee because it's pretty much the same as the HQ eevee.)
Super DX sylveon and the Ichiban Kuji prize sylveon! So cute~
The I Love Eevee HQ plush, both the regular and the lying down version!
More lying down plush- the Gyutto tissue cover and the Ichiban Kuji Kuttari plush!
The "other category" plush. They are: large walky eevee, Ichiban Kuji tassel plush, sylveon mascot plush, I Love Gothic umbreon and espeon, kutakuta, baby egg plush, petit plush, and eevee mascot plush!
And cushions! I especially love the sleeping eevee cushion; it's so soft and cute!
Here is my non-eeveelu pokemon and other anime characters shelf! I want to eventually get a plush of every pokemon I like, so this shelf is still growing, oh my...
This is the shelf where I keep the figures and other stuff. I didn't even plan on collecting figures, but then I couldn't resist getting those super cute kyun charas, then the rest just followed...
Top shelf holds most of the figures, such as the kyun charas, pokedoll figures, kids, chupas, gotochi figures, tomys, and gather eevee friends figures!
Close ups:
Ugh, just that one empty space for the umbreon kyun chara...
Middle shelf holds a bunch of random stuff. The eevee ippai collection figures are here too, because there's no room for them on the top shelf...
The bottom shelf has pitapoke, charms, mug cups, pens, etc, etc.
And finally, my sales are still open! Check it out here:
http://pkmncollectors.livejournal.com/18501111.html The offers part without any offers can now be considered a BIN OBO!
Sales permission granted on September 19, 2014 by entirelycliched.
My feedback:
http://feedback.pkmncollectors.net/feedback/view/eeveefruit/ Thank you for looking!